New and different take on a pushrod V-twin

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
Made in America! From some of the former employees at Confederats Motorcycles, comes this design.


Now, I take my hat off to them for spending the time and $$$$ to get this prototype out. I assume that they then shop this around, trying to get enough people to order one, or to put $ down, to make it lucrative for them to build it.

My opinion only:

  • from this side, the lines resemble an upside-down cast-iron Lodge skillet held-up at one end by a kitchen stockpot lid. I do like to make an omelet, and what's that saying, "ya gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet."
  • the engine is Very Massive! I haven't gone to their website to see about a cross-section of the engine, but what's all-that solid stuff in-front of and below the traditional crankcase? I think it would be better if that was black, to reduce the 'lump-effect' it has all being bright alloy au naturel.
  • I'm guessing that those black circles running front-to-back are the primary drive, and the clutch covers. They remind me of 1970's Jensen 6 x 9 speakers, you know the ones, the 'Tri-Axials.' They were very popular, in every mural-encrusted van driven by a hormonally-addled young single guy cruising for women.
  • I count at-least five pinch bolts on the lower triple tree (each side), no flex gonna happen there! Three probably would have made the same statement, and would save some weight.
  • is the production bike gonna run any fenders, or is it assumed that anyone who shells-out for one of these is happy with a face full of mud, stones, and whatever crap people discard onto the roads these days? And since most of these "lifestyle-boys" don't think their cabezas are worth protecting with a brain-bucket, they're gonna get a face-full!
Well, it's probably a lot of fun to ride ('look at me!'), but I wonder what the weight is? Ah, I'm not the target audience for this thing, good luck with the launch.