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      The frame brace doesn't really do anything the motor is one solid mass bolted in six positions in the frame. If you want to improve...
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      Paul Civitello replied to the thread Vw carbs.
      I did that back in the late 80s I wouldn't waste your time it will make your bike slower. If you wanted to do it to be unique thats...
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      Paul Civitello replied to the thread Kickstand options.
      If anyone is still looking to get a shorter kickstand I wouldn't suggest bending the kickstand. All you have to do is take the kickstand...
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      That is possible to do what you said it would be a few days of work and you would have to weld the bolt holes on the short side perfect...
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      Paul Civitello replied to the thread Foot controls question.
      I make custom wider shifter pedals and make forward controls for the generation 2. If you don't want the full forward controls but just...
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