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    • R
      rocket replied to the thread Gen1 Carby Jet's.
      Thank you for the information, I will compare the 6Sigma jet bore sizes to the standard jets and see where that takes me.
    • R
      rocket replied to the thread Gen1 Carby Jet's.
      Here are the fitting instructions for the 6Sigma kit.
    • R
      rocket replied to the thread Gen1 Carby Jet's.
      Thank you for your reply, 6Sigma says to use a 160 or 170 main jet, I am thinking this would not help fuel economy? The exhaust is...
    • R
      Hi All, I just wanted some info on carby jets. My 1989 Gen1 VMAX is chewing too much fuel, almost 11 Liters to 60 Kilometers travel...
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