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    • Stephan
      Stephan replied to the thread engine bearings.
      Yamaha used to publish the size of shafts, housings and bearings in parts books such as that for the XS1100 and for that model at least...
      • 1728744001810.jpeg
    • Stephan
      Stephan replied to the thread Hello Vmaxxers from Sydney.
      You can ride around the outback and pretend to be Mad Max on a gen 2!
    • Stephan
      Stephan replied to the thread Loose part?.
      Hope it goes well!
    • Stephan
      Stephan replied to the thread Loose part?.
      There is a screw on the inside of the clutch cover that hold this secondary cover in place. It pulls the cover onto a rubber grommet...
    • Stephan
      Stephan replied to the thread Hello.
      Welcome to Vmax ownership. I am not far from you near Peterborough. This is the best motorcycle forum around let me assure you!
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