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  1. 4gasem

    2006 with Full Holeshot and Walkers stage 1

    See the runs I made. I need to go down to 155 mains to lean out the top a bit but it runs great! The 122 numbers were with Dales Walkers stage 1and his full exhaust. The 124 number was with Sean Morley's kit and the needles spaced up a bit. The 123.9 numbers were with Seans kit and needle...
  2. maleko89

    Dale Walker 4-2 exhaust on Ebay

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-V-MAX-Exhaust-Dale-Walker-Exhaust-V-MAX_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35596QQihZ006QQitemZ160235572870QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW This is a very good system!
  3. S

    Dale Walkers Hole shot 4 to 2 (jetting?)

    Dale walker exhaust and jetting? Hello all, I have a 2006 vmax, looking at buying a Dale Walker exhaust.........Jetting required with this exhaust? do I need the stage 1 kit that the web site suggests? thanks again, sorry for all the newbie questions...but I'm really green when it somes to...
  4. mabchewy

    Dale Walker

    Any thoughts on the Dale Walker system for the max? The sound clips on there sight are great!