Anybody Have a Design for a Rev Limiter

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
Tampa Bay
I just can't bring myself to spend $300.00 to have an adjustable rev limiter without asking first. Does anybody have a workable / buildable design for an adjustable rev limiter? Something that would do incriments of 500 rpm or so. One that will shut down the boost, or?

Thanx in advance to anyone who can help.
that one place out of canada was going to start making them at some point...
I think the Dyna I sell is like $250 and has adjustable timing curved too. Still not cheap though.
Sean, I'll definitely keep you in mind. I'll check the dyna out a little more closely. I was also thinking Sassy, for the variable boost. I like the idea of 4500 rpm boost. Nobody talks about the Sassy here. Is it a bad idea?

If I can't build one, I'll buy one....
Didn't someone say the Sassy wasn't a true rev limiter? :ummm:
7 VBoost settings; ON - 1800 - 2500 - 3000 - 4500 - 6000 - OFF plus Instant VBoost

6 Rev Limiter settings; 6500 - 7000 - 7500 - 8000 - 8500 - 9000 - OFF

7 Shift Light; 4000 - 5000 - 6000 - 7000 - 8000 - 9000 - 9500 (maximum RPM)
KJShover: I take it that you have a Sassy? Do you like it? Does the limiter do it's job? That and V-Boost @ 4500 are the important things to me.

Need Input....:rofl_200:

I don't have a sassy but I have heard Chris (4gasem) say that it is NOT a real limiter. If I remember right he said all it does is shut vboost off at the rpm you select for the "limiter" function.

I have heard of some guys getting a dyna DRL-300 to work. I looked into it a bit but never found any info on how to wire it though. I believe one of the guys was mnmax on the forum here and a couple on the yahoo list. I have also heard of a few guys trying it and never getting it to work at all or it work intermittantly at best. About the only info I've found on how to make it work was to wire it up through a circuit similar to the homemade Tboost setup. I was considering trying it as they only cost about $100 but then I figured if I'm going to spend the money, I may as well get a the full blown version that I know will work and has the different timing curves. Still haven't bought either yet.

If you come up with something else, let us know.
mabdcmb: Sounds like we're in the same boat over this..

Thanx for the input....
they say "indevelopment" but when i emailed a few months ago they said they hadn't gotten any interest in it yet.
KJShover: I take it that you have a Sassy? Do you like it? Does the limiter do it's job? That and V-Boost @ 4500 are the important things to me.

Need Input....:rofl_200:


No I don't, too much $ for stuff I already have. I use a Dyna3k. The sassy dosn't have an ignition cut-out type of rev limiter, it just shuts the Vboost off.
*sassy's website:
#The VBoost Rev Limiteris a virtual Rev Limiter that will shut off the VBoost at the selected RPM, reducing power to protect your valuable bike. Unlike other Rev Limiters it will not stress your motor by killing the ignition. The Rev Limiter can be switched OFF or set to any of 6 choices between 6500 and 9000 RPM at 500 RPM steps.


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