Can I ride 30 miles with open headers?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
Columbus, nc
I know that it will be loud and annoying as hell, but will it harm the engine to ride without mufflers 30 miles and then 30 miles back home?
Do you have the stock headers on or aftermarket? If you have the pipes going into the collector then I would say absolutely. If you have have open pipes for each cyliner that aren't very long, it will probably hurt performance a little, but should be able to get you home. I don't know what it would really hury other than your ears:punk:

Thank you.

I have after market Dale walker 4-2 exhaust system and I busted my mufflers and slipped them off.
I would say you will be just fine, loud but fine. I'm by now means an engine expert, but I can't think you would do much damage. I think some of the concern about short/open headers comes from the vavles cooling too quickly after shutdown. I really have no clue where that all comes from, but I would not have any reservations about riding my bike like what you are going to do.

I can tell you from my personal stories...your bike will be fine. But mark my words "take ear plugs", you have been warned.

I rode mine 200 miles strait pipe through some wicked mountain roads and it was very rewarding(lose power but gain ground shaking ability) but the killer is the freeway. Right around cruise speed it will hit a pitch in your helmet that will rattle the fillings outta your mouth.I rode like this for roughly an hour and then upon removing said helmet I couldn't hear anything people said that was in the same pitch or tone as my bike at 3,500rpm. With ear plugs it's much nicer and I're still ganna hear it.
It may run rich but that won't hurt more than your mileage... Ear Plugs Required.:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:It'll sound like my HARLEY only Better......
I can tell you from my personal stories...your bike will be fine. But mark my words "take ear plugs", you have been warned.

I rode mine 200 miles strait pipe through some wicked mountain roads and it was very rewarding(lose power but gain ground shaking ability) but the killer is the freeway. Right around cruise speed it will hit a pitch in your helmet that will rattle the fillings outta your mouth.I rode like this for roughly an hour and then upon removing said helmet I couldn't hear anything people said that was in the same pitch or tone as my bike at 3,500rpm. With ear plugs it's much nicer and I're still ganna hear it.

Had the same experience with Supertrapps running open end caps after a 200kms run on freeway. Wear the ear plugs. :punk: