Clutch Hose info-Atlanta help

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Active Member
May 31, 2010
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Hi All,my clutch hose on my 97 wore through on a ride this weekend.Will any 85-2007 hose fit on my 97?They are 150-00 new and there are ones for an 85 and 2005 on e-bay for 9 dollars.Does anyone in and around ATL have access to one?I was hoping to be up and riding by friday...
Help please,info anything!!!
Yes, they're all the same. It's cheaper to buy a stainless braided one than to buy a new one. Clutch feel is a little better too.
Stainless clutch line should run you around $50 to your door. I should have saved my old one for someone like you needing one, but I ended up getting pissed off trying to thread the solid tubing out from the frame and neck and whipped out a pair of cutters and chopped in three to get it out....
Don't get discouraged when your bleeding it. Some times it's a real pain. I use a vacuum bleeder and I also pump it up and bleed it. I rebleed it again the next day.
Don't get discouraged when your bleeding it. Some times it's a real pain. I use a vacuum bleeder and I also pump it up and bleed it. I rebleed it again the next day.


I actually have had pretty good luck just "gravity" bleeding for a while before doing it the normal way...The clutch is already in and working...

Just ordered some speed bleeders for when my brake lines come in...Never used them before so will so how much they really help......

I though about using my small electric vaccum pump and a jar and some tubing to make a thing to do it with but have never got around to rigging it all up....

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