Details for Events Bike Week 2009

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Well-Known Member
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Dec 9, 2006
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Osteen, FL
Here's the Newly released and updated details for Bike Week 2009.

Weds March 4 > 6:30PM - Early bird Hangout
Pira?a Bar and Grill - 241 N US-1 (Ridgewood Ave) Ormond Beach.
Head North on US-1 (Ridgewood). Once you cross over US-40, Pirana will be on the right about 1/2 mile. 2 views of the Pirana location are under VMOA Events in the VMOA Photo Album. While there, say hello to Brett Starr, owner of Pirana.

Thurs March 5 > 6:00PM - VMOA Dinner
Inlet Harbor Restaurant and Marina – 133 Inlet Harbor Road, Ponce Inlet
“VMOA Dinner” and Sunset outside on the Open deck restaurant. The Inlet Harbor is a tourist attraction all by itself. After dinner, enjoy the Marina/Fishing pier, the gift shop, and the Sunset. You can view the attractions and map at . Inlet Harbor is located in Ponce Inlet about 4 miles past the intersection of A1A ( Atlantic Ave ) and Dunlawton Blvd (SR-421). From I-95 take the Port Orange exit #256. Turn left on Dunlawton for about 4 miles. Turn right on Atlantic Ave (A1A) for about 3.8 miles. Turn right onto Harbour Village Blvd , left onto S Peninsula , and right onto Inlet Harbor Road . The phone # is 386-767-5590. This will be a great time for everyone to meet each other, gain new friends, and have some good food and fun as well.

Fri March 6> 10:00AM - VMOA Ride
Meet at Chick-Fil-A, - 100 N Williamson Blvd. & International Speedway Blvd.
Meet Up Time: 10:00am - Leave at 10:30am. “Gas Em UP”, Then Meet Up for a Crispy Chick and a 4-5 hour ride. WE are going to head west, then north into the quiet country. We will stop at 3 Banana’s for Lunch in Crescent City. Then we’ll head North past the backwoods country of Palatka. Then turn to the East till we hit the coast line. Then it will be a nice little cruise down the coast till we hit The Ocean Deck to wrap it up with a cool frosty beverage. Contact me, Robert (FL Chapter Rep), at [email protected] or 407-616-3241 for any directions or details. I’ll be there, Hope you will be too.

Sat March 7 >10:00AM - VMOA BBQ @ BOXENSTOPP.
Dyno Shootout (GEN1 vs GEN2)
Are you a GEN1 or Gen2 rider? How about both? The DYNO shootout will let everyone know what your VMAX can do. Are you all talk, or can your MAX back it up? This will be the time and place to find out. The three classes will be Stock, Modified, and Open. Trophies will be handed out for 1st and 2nd place in each class. The dyno will be free to VMOA members. Non-members will need to pay a small fee to “run” their bikes. We would be glad to sign you up for the VMOA at this time, so you can participate on the dyno for free!.
BBQ Starts at 11:30AM
VMOA Store - We will have VMOA store merchandise for sale.
Mini-Swapmeet – Space will be set aside for those who want to sell/swap their new or used parts. Bring them down. Clear out that stuff and make some money.

Boxenstopp has moved from Ballough Ave in Daytona. They have moved a few miles north to Holly Hill. The new address is 1299 State Ave, Unit 1, Holly Hill 32117. Phone # is 386-226-2077. 2 ways to get there. Take I-95 to exit 265 (LPGA Blvd), go north towards beach about 4 miles, then turn left on State St, at the radio tower. Shop is about 1/4 mile down on the right. If you are coming from Daytona on Ridgewood Ave, LPGA Blvd is 1 mile past Daytona Fun Machines. Turn left on LPGA, then an immediate right onto State St. You will be able to pickup VMOA event schedules when they are available. Ask for Joe.

Don't forget there is endless other things to do in Daytona, and we often end up on Main St. one or two nights.
Not to mention, The Cabbage Patch, The Speedway, Destination Daytona, or just simply the beach.
And then Of Course the World Famous Iron Horse Saloon is a must on Friday or Saturday Nights.
Hope to see a bunch of you show up.
hey Robert,

I think I'll be up for the saturday - it's more than likely going to be the only day I won't be working. Would be quite happy to sign up to VMOA as I definitely wanna do that dyno run.
Can you help? How do I go about it?

hey Robert,

I think I'll be up for the saturday - it's more than likely going to be the only day I won't be working. Would be quite happy to sign up to VMOA as I definitely wanna do that dyno run.
Can you help? How do I go about it?


Hey Gaetan,
Two ways to join. One, go to the website and click on "join the vmoa" link right on the front page. That is through Pay Pal, so you'll have to sign up for Pay Pal when you register. But knowing Mike, you won't get your member number for a couple of weeks. So you may not have your member number in time.
Or two, We will be taking Memberships at the BBQ on Saturday. So if you pay the $30 then, you'll still get the membership benefits, even though it's take a couple of weeks for Mike to process your membership.

Look forward to seeing you there!
Give me a holler if you need anything else.