Goodbye to my Vmax2002 and Hello to my new Vmax2005

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2021
Reaction score
Murcia (Spain)
Hello friends and colleagues. greetings from Spain!!
Let's see where I start...I'll get to the point!! Last August I had a terrible accident with my Vmax 2002, an old man did not look on the road when entering and I crashed directly into his van. I have been in a wheelchair for more than three months and still today I need the help of crutches to walk... So I say the same to everyone, neither me nor my motorcycle was at fault. It was the fault of that poor old man who has already come to my house twice to apologize.

So far the horrible part.

Well, after the insurance company made the indemnization for the Vmax effective and having against my wife, my children, my parents, my brothers-in-law... THE WHOLE FAMILY the first thing I did was start looking for a Vmax that replaced my 2002.
And voila¨... I have found this, a brand new Vmax 2005 anniversary (#1981) that has been almost hidden in a garage for years, it only has 7200 miles and its owner has not been aware of what he had stored in his garage.. If nothing happens this next Sunday, the transport company will bring it to its new home (my house). The funny thing is that with all the videos I have received from the owner, in none of them do I hear the sound of the servo turning the key. Here then comes my first question. were the 25th anniversary models marketed in their Full Power version (Vboot) or were units also sent to Europe with the consequent restriction? Greetings, and sorry for the novel...
First things first, do your rehabilitation, get strong and functional.

A 2005 is a Twentieth Anniversary model, you added 5 years.

Since engines can be switched, look for the VBoost pieces. He may have the VBoost unplugged to leave the butterflies open. It could have a Dynojet Stage 7 kit, which when all pieces are installed, eliminates the VBoost butterflies for open tubes.
Hello anteva2,

I hope your are ok by now.

I saw your new bike (2005, red color) by Wallapop and almost bought it!!...but as it was located in Granollers I get another one in Valencia my city and it is quite new too (2003, black with two stripes).

I'm sure yours is full power if it is 2WE or 2WF!!

5GKR2WE 0088992010VMX122005XU49DRMK
5GKS2WF 0015672010VMX122005XCALDRMK
5GKT2LT 0035314010VMX122005XCANDRMK
2LT Full Power

Is it correct that in its technical file it indicates that its power is 102 kW?🤔🤔
That's about 137 HP and a USA bike is 145 HP at the crankshaft, roughly 110 RWHP is a number many see if they dyno theirs.