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Bill Seward

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Holland NY
Did everyone just stop visiting this site? I've been a member for a long time, and it seems like this is the quietest I've ever seen it here. Hope the new software isn't keeping folks away.. (Although personally, I preferred the Forum the way it was set up before)
I usually pop in here and spend some time and then sometimes don't visit for a while if other stuff is going on in my life (or if I get 'into' my car for a while and leave bike stuff on the burner for a while). But I'm with ya on the getting used to the new software. Just a creature of habit I guess and I liked the way it was before.
I'll get used to this new format soon enough though.
Being retired and now snowed in, I visit the site daily.. Glad to hear folks are still alive out there.
Sometimes I wonder if we've just discussed everything possible already, and many times over. Remember the oil discussions? We do have less posting. New owners still come on asking questions, which is a good thing. Some Gen 1 owners upgraded to Gen 2, but I don't see the same enthusiasm the Gen 1 got yet. Not as much upgrade necessary on the 2's is my guess.
I have noticed a decline. My guess is that these are old models and less and less folks are giving them a go. I suppose for that reason it's not destined to grow. I'm also a member on the Venture forum and it's bustling all the time, not sure what the difference is other than vast differences in production numbers then manifesting now in less activity. Not only do younger folks not seem to care about VMX, but seems like a whole lot less younger folks care about bikes at all. We may be the last, at least in any real numbers.
I was so familiar with TT for my phone I don’t find myself checking in nearly as frequent. My bike is also in for the rainy season so unless I decide to do some mods I don’t have a lot of questions.
It took me a month or more to realize the forum changed. I thought it was my phone being dumb and not letting tt work. Creature of habit for sure.
And Van is about to turn three, and I just took on my old bosses job, so there is the whole barely have time to sleep let alone chat online.
I think getting the forum back on Tapatalk would be good.
Have you tried the site via a mobile browser? Like Chrome, it is much more user friendly that Tapatalk or a dedicated app can be.
Much has changed. I rather like the new software, it feels like a pretty decent step forward to me. I'm not using Tapatalk, just the bare website. To make this website run fast and stable I use the same approach as with the rest of the internet. Ghoestery, NoScript, uBlock Origin, adblock for Youtube and some decent cookie management. I try different things now and then but this seems to be a magical combination for now.

I got a whole lot more speed since learning the above extensions and how to make them really work by configuring them to be rather aggressive. Not sure how any of that effects TT. I cant see any changes in performance between this version and the last, but I find this version more intuitive.

Was this forum purchased by a Vmax owner/enthusiast or to be monetized, or neither? I'm wondering if we are in danger of adding censorship or expectations of political correctness in order to lure potential advertisers. Shit, is it unhealthy that this was the first thing I thought? I've really enjoyed the flow and I hope we can keep the spirit of it intact.
"Everyone is on Facebook now."

Not me, I don't "do" facebook. I've had some-sort of computer data access and/or messaging since the early 1990's, through school. I remember when Netscape went public, and Compuserve and Prodigy were ways people communicated. One of my friends started Viewtron, he was a computer science PhD. Unfortunately, the business plan didn't work.

I'm not a computer science guy, though our son is, one of his majors.

Yes, it does appear that things have slowed-down a bit here. I suspect the new owners are bulk-purchasing numerous websites as money-making business decisions. Our modest readership and participation isn't much compared to other internet websites, but I suppose if you have enough of them, it becomes a money-maker. After-all look-at some online presence like The Sun from the UK, it appears half their page content centers around people who are "famous for being famous," like the Kardashians and the other publicity-hounds who have leveraged their 'fame' into tens of millions of dollars, apparently.
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I cant stand facebook, i keep away from it. But 90% of the population is on there.

I cant figure out why anyone is on Facebook anymore. Why does nobody seem to be concerned with the risk to privacy and personal data, which is no longer just my speculation? FB's blatant, malicious abuse of private user data is pretty well documented at this point.

When I tried it out years back I ran into a few folks I used to know but it was a real time suck with no tangible reward or benefit. Actually more of a chore than something to look forward to. I gave it a couple months and did the whole thing but I ultimately had to conclude that I was not in the target demographic as an adult male. Shots fired:D:p
I try to check in daily. I miss the days of 2 pages of new posts. Now its just a handful. I agree with Steve in that we have covered nearly everything you can thing of, multiple times. If you've been a member for years, its quite evident.

All the discussions we've had here were pretty much covered in the old vmax mail list. Last time I checked, you could still search, and find, all kinds of useful info.[email protected]/info.html
Since the change, I don't care to visit as much. If they bring back the blue theme, I will check this site several times a week. It was much easier to read and stood out from every other forum.
Yes , I liked it the old way .
And YES I do like change !
Just not this one so much .
A lot of good people have come and gone on this forum. I got a lot out of their post and threads. It just seems right to pass it on to the new comers if we can. Hopefully some or all return at some point. The software? Things change and I'm forced to adapt.
That being said, there have been one or two true dirtbags here, too. Hopefully they will stay away.
Unfortunately, I also feel like Facebook is where a lot of the newer owners have gone to. I am excited to be here, because for the first time, I actually own a Vmax:D. I been lusting after one for almost 5 years, and a week ago this past Sunday, I picked up me a new (to me) 2010 Vmax. I have only been able to take it on one 20 mile ride so far. All I can say is WOW! So, thanks for being here for a newbie like me.
I'm not on facebook either, this is about as close as I get. Too bad guys now days rather be playing video games than wrenchin. I used to be somewhere on my Vmax and people would come up and talk about remembering when they wanted one or knew about them. That hasn't happened in a while. I've got one and plan to keep it, I'd get another if I find one! On a side note I also keep up with Thumper talk, I like dirt bikes and there is a large following there, but it's all brands. Usually some good amateur f ups. Of course, I've had my share of them and if you work on stuff it will happen again!

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