Okay guys, I made a major screw up installing a new motobatt in my 09 vmax and hooked up the battery backwards (I know it was stupid but I was in a hurry and not paying attention) and now I can't get my max to start after replacing the main fuse which blew... I really hope I didn't brick the ecu or some other expensive piece of electronics on the bike. What do I need to look for? I'm used to working on carburetor based bikes so the vmax is a little more advanced than I'm used to with all of the sensors and more complicated circuitry. Is there a way to test the ecu? I have run the diagnostic mode and there were no present codes showing up but I have a check engine light. I do get little puffs of it wanting to fire when I try to start it but it's few and far between. Any help would be appreciated. And please no judgment considering I already about beat my own head against my garage door for making such a stupid and rookie mistake after many years of keeping my bikes running and doing my own repairs.