Left hand mirror threads stripped

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Reaction score
Buddy of mine stripped the left hand threads on the right mirror. I think he said 10mm. I see helicoil makes LH kits, but they are expensive..

Any suggestions on a fix?
Prob go with the heli-coil myself, but in a pinch you could always try J-B weld, drill and tap new treads...
You still need to lay out the $ for thread repair either way. + 1 to bar ends. Best mirrors I ever used. You'll love them. Get some black caps for the holes. You can see incredible with bar ends.
If you are running aftermarket mirrors most have adapters to use the LH threads. So, helicoil it with the RH threads and you're golden.

Thanks for the suggestions guys! Not sure what he's going to do, but he knows the alternatives now.
+1 on the bar end mirrors and there is a wide variety of sizes so he isnt limited to the tiny ones that restrict viability. OR he can go the the type that have a stem that goes completely through the hole and nut up against washers ala H-D style