Joined this forum recently, former member of VMOA. Purchased my V-Max new in 2002 and rode until changing jobs and working nights and weekends. Bike sat for over five years other than an occasional spin around the block to keep things lubricated. Got a new shift recently with weekends off but what really got me back in the seat was my youngest daughter. She used to ride on the back with me for short trips when she was a little girl. Not so little anymore. Now she’s 21, in college, and wanted a bike of her own. My wife and I bought her a 2024 Yamaha R3 and made her take the MSF beginners class. One of the coaches at her class was a woman I worked with for many years and I hadn’t seen her for over ten years after our company was bought out, we both lost our jobs. For a couple years after that I’d run into her at breakfast rides in Ephrata, PA. A wonderful instructor and sweetheart of a woman. My daughter loved her! I made my daughter help with refreshing my Max, changing all the fluids, installing a new regulator and stator, syncing the carbs, and teaching her how to maintain her own bike. I also bought helmet intercoms for both of us so we can talk when we ride together. Happy days are here again! Gonna try to make Thunder In The Valley next year and look forward to many more miles and smiles!