Options, Allen bit broke in swingarm pivot bolt

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Gaithersburg, MD
Broke off before I reached torque spec. Has this happened to anyone? Options to get it out?
Never heard of that happening. I tighten that pivot bolt just enough to get any play out of the bearing. Then I torque the lock nut. It takes a very minimal amount of force to set the pivot bolt. Then I remove the allen key and torque the lock nut. Maybe I'm not understanding the problem?

Sent from my SCH-I405 using Tapatalk 2
Drill it out and easy out it. There is nothing to damage behind it and the heat of drilling it out will expand the metal around it. Don't forget to presoak it with penetrant the night before.
Uhm, the torque on that Allen is about 4 lb/ft? Basically hand tight

Dying to Know how this happened
Seems like it as i reckon how much force you need to put in a 6 size allen to brake it...
It's the tool that broke if I'm reading this right. Also, that's not a stock swing-arm, from what I remember of that beautiful bike.Can you post a pic to confirm the set up Tom?
I've seen this happen before on some of the stuff we use at work. It was because someone thought the torque required for the LOCK NUT was the torque required for the PIVOT BOLT. I could be wrong but as i recall, the torque required for the driver's side pivot and the passenger's side lock nut are the same (30ftlb??), while the passenger side pivot itself is in the single digits.
I've seen this happen before on some of the stuff we use at work. It was because someone thought the torque required for the LOCK NUT was the torque required for the PIVOT BOLT. I could be wrong but as i recall, the torque required for the driver's side pivot and the passenger's side lock nut are the same (30ftlb??), while the passenger side pivot itself is in the single digits.

Correct. If it is the stock setup. Locknuts are around 55-60 lb/ft, Allen bolt is around 4 I think.

In the past I've set the Allen, gave it some "clock marks" against a fixed point on the frame and then set the locknut, then check to see how far torquing the locknut moves the Allen.
Then loosen it and reset the Allen back away from its final home by the amount that it moved when setting torque.
After doing this by trial and error a couple of times you can get the Allen just right.

Or you could buy the Yamaha tool that allows you to torque the locknut while keeping the Allen from moving. But that's no fun !!
OK I think I see what the problem is. I forgot that I'm using 2 right side pivot bolts(for more adjustment of centering wheel) instead the the stock drivers side one with the nut attached to the bolt.