Someone steal rear brake padle assembly!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
los angeles
What is going on in LA?? At night some morons steal rear brake assembly from 2006 Vmax! There are few Vmaxes, and my bike was always covered! What they gonna do with it? When stealing they left cover on the bike. That sucks.
There are practically no vmaxes in LA, nothing on craigslist either. And vmax owners older generation. Bike was always covered. What the heck are they gonna do with a Yamaha pedal?? Put it on a Harley? Maybe some young punks, just to steal something?
But they are there. Even a cursory look shows several of them misnamed in listings as other types of Yamaha. Leads me to believe that they're stolen. They list it as an FZ6 R but the actual bike for sale is a Vmax. Like this ad:
There's a BUNCH of them in there like that. Probably selling by image as people just flip through listings looking at pictures and hiding the description because they're stolen.

After all, that's the first thing cops do is look at the classifieds. They don't see a Vmax named for sale they assume it isn't there.
Any 'серп-и-молот' sign (like on your user pic) on your bike?
That is a sarcasm. The man in KGB uniform holding it as a cross. They change religion to communism, but claim ateists and humanists themselvs, killing thousands. Strange, but very few people get the joke, even in russia. But i keep it.
But they are there. Even a cursory look shows several of them misnamed in listings as other types of Yamaha. Leads me to believe that they're stolen. They list it as an FZ6 R but the actual bike for sale is a Vmax. Like this ad:
There's a BUNCH of them in there like that. Probably selling by image as people just flip through listings looking at pictures and hiding the description because they're stolen.

After all, that's the first thing cops do is look at the classifieds. They don't see a Vmax named for sale they assume it isn't there.
Probably you are right. I saw couple of gen1 on the streets. Will try to hide a bike, before they take it apart.
That is a sarcasm. The man in KGB uniform holding it as a cross. They change religion to communism, but claim ateists and humanists themselvs, killing thousands. Strange, but very few people get the joke, even in russia. But i keep it.
I got it. I have to explain my touch of sarcasm tho. I meant some communists could take something because they noticed the hammer and sickle sticker, which means: "Dear comrade. As you know private property concept doesn't exist. So feel free to use it any time you want"
I got it. I have to explain my touch of sarcasm tho. I meant some communists could take something because they noticed the hammer and sickle sticker, which means: "Dear comrade. As you know private property concept doesn't exist. So feel free to use it any time you want"
Ye, some proletariat comrade took the pedal...