Stubborn Clutch Hose

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Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Chicago - Metro
Hello Fellow Members,

I?m trying to replace the original clutch hose on my ?86 with a braided HEL line (banjo connector at the Master and female connector by the Slave). I?m having a heck of a time disconnecting it at the Clutch-Pipe (by the slave). I?m not sure what I should be wrenching on as both the small nut closest to the Pipe and a larger nut on the other side of the guide are not budging. As an option, I could remove/replace both the Pipe and the Hose, but I?d rather not if at all possible.

Your guidance, as always, is sincerely appreciated!


Hold nut going to slave with one wrench and turn the nut on the hose going to the lever!

The nut SHOULD turn towards you or down to the left.

Thanx Chris! I was doing that, among other things. I'll give it another shot (with more confidence this time) tonight or tomorrow and see if that works.
i wish i could offer an alternative than to what was already mentioned. but i found myself in the same predicament and can offer only words of encouragement. it took alot of wrenching and elbow grease, but i finally broke the nut loose. keep fighting it.
I think I am reading between the lines here and thinking your wrench is slipping on the small nut. If thats the case use a pair of vise grips on the small nut , tightened just enough to break the small nut loose. This will distort the top of the nut naturally, but then turn the nut 180 degrees and lock back onto the nut with vise grips (with slightly less force) to bend it back to its original configuration.
I'm happy to report that thanx to all your help I was able to loosen the clutch cable at lunch time today. I wish that I could have continued wrenching to finish install the braided cable, but I have to work a little to finance this kind of stuff.

I soaked the connection with WD-40 the other day as 4gasem suggested and let it sit a bit before wrenching with more gusto this time. But, it was still frozen so, I drenched and wrenched more at lunch today with the same result albeit now the small nut was starting to strip. So I soaked the connection with Liquid Wrench this time. Let it soak in, tapped the connection a few times and used a Vise Grip on the small nut as alorio1 suggested and a wrench on the larger one and it finally broke free.

Once again, thanx for your help and support. It's truly appreciated.

Have a great and safe 4th,


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