To Drill or not to Drill (Slides) and other stuff

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2008
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I bought my Muscle Jet Kit to go with my Marks 4-2 exhaust. I am close in my tuning procdures but I have yet to do all of the steps as suggested by Sean. I was leary on drilling the slide because of negative info I found on this site. So I did a search, I talked to Sean, and I come up with conflicting info on drilling the slides. I got 3 different, yet consistent answers.

1. Do It. It will yield better throttle response and make a big difference.
2. It doesn't really matter much. It will help with the throttle response but no big deal
3. Don't do it. (different reasons)

So... I don't know what to do. My questions.

Will it increase throttle response? If Yes, at what expense? What are the negative effect(s) that can and/or will happen? Will this make the bike rich in the midrage? (I need to richen it up there anyways)

I have heard of VmaxinID's issues with drilled slides. I have read that Mark wished he had tested his bike out before drilling the slides with Sean's kit.

I have heard Shawn Kloker say it makes the bike way more enjoyable to ride and that it revs much faster.

So.. If anyone has input on their own experience, positive or negative on this issue, I would appreciate hearing about it.

The other stuff would be questions about main jet. I have marks pipes, muscle jet kit with 160 mains, 1200' elev. Everything I read says to choose mains by best pull and highest mph. Is this in 5th gear? Can it be done in lower gears? Any other way other than this or a dyno?
I just installed Sean's kit last weekend and drilled the slides. IMO, I feel that the engine does rev faster and there is a increase in throttle response. I don't know if the drilled slides are the reason or not, I didn't try it without drilling first. I noticed that the midreange seemed to be lean. Other than getting it tuned perfectly, which it is close, the bike runs great and I don't have any issues with the kit, really wakes the bike up. With 162.5 mains and two shims there was a small stutter at 6K that I tried to eliminate with the 165 mains but now there's a slight bog so I'm going to take a shim out and try it. Kit was easy to install and I'm glad I bought it over the stage 1 or 7. I'f you're unsure about drilling, try it without first and see how you like it. Just my 2 cents tho
I just installed Sean's kit last weekend and drilled the slides. IMO, I feel that the engine does rev faster and there is a increase in throttle response. I don't know if the drilled slides are the reason or not, I didn't try it without drilling first. I noticed that the midreange seemed to be lean. Other than getting it tuned perfectly, which it is close, the bike runs great and I don't have any issues with the kit, really wakes the bike up. With 162.5 mains and two shims there was a small stutter at 6K that I tried to eliminate with the 165 mains but now there's a slight bog so I'm going to take a shim out and try it. Kit was easy to install and I'm glad I bought it over the stage 1 or 7. I'f you're unsure about drilling, try it without first and see how you like it. Just my 2 cents tho

Thanks for the input ace. I've had the kit in a bit over a week now. Put a few mile in over the weeknend and its close. Same as you, i have a upper mid range stutter. Planning to put in second set of shims to see if that cures it. If not, I'll go up on the mains.

What is your elevation in SD?

Anybody out there have their kit all installed and tuned OK and then drilled? I'd really like to hear the pro/con's before I decide to do it. I just don't want to get stuck epoxying the slides and fixing the holes if I don't like what happens. I mean, do you lose low end or mid range by drilling?
Mike, I'm at 1500'. With 165's and one shim it's really good. I'm going to try going back to no shim and just the stock needle as soon as it cools down. 5th gear cruising at 4K and going WOT still bogs just a little but with two shims I could barley notice the vboost kicking in and now I can feel it. There's just a slight bog right away till about 4500 and then it goes. Low and mid are great. I would guess that your settings should be close to mine.
Ok, tried no shims and it was back to stutter at 5000-6500. Went back to one shim and it runs a lot better. Still not perfect but I'd probably need aftermarket needles with more adjustability to be perfect. I'm going to run it this way for now, might play with it some more later.