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    Morgan carbtune

    Does anyone know where i could buy a carbtune 2 from a american or canadian distributor? Is this unit only available from the manufacturer direct? I would like to replace my old mercury unit.
  2. dannymax

    Morgan Carbtune on eBay

    Just noticed there is a Morgan Carbtune on eBay if anybody is looking for one. dan
  3. 82ndCowboy

    Morgan Carbtune!

    I ordered a Morgan Carbtune back on the 2nd of June from the manufacturer in the UK. It arrived in my mailbox on the 12th. 10 days shipping as promised. The Carbtune is fairly good quality and included everything the manufacturer claimed came with it. It was a piece of cake to follow the...
  4. Maxedout

    Carbtune Pro

    I am having a bit of difficulty getting my 2007 Vmax carbs in synch with the carbtune pro.It states to set the idle a tad high to begin synchronization but I can only find the major set screws on both sides. I am unable to find the idle adjustment screw or just plain unsure.If anyone has any...