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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
columbia county new york
There may still be a glimmer of hope left....they did unseat this crooked bastard! And just think....the day before the arrest he was sit-eth at the right hand of the omnipotent Herr Blomo hisself as he delivered his "State of the State" address to us NY'kers.

At the end of the TV news report they said...."further arrests may be pending" :hmmm:

Think this may put a kink in Blomo's path to Pennsylvania Ave....ey?
I hope, for all our sake, that it is a sign of the peoples voices being heard... fat chance of that but I'll keep my rose colored glasses on for today anyways!:th_fridaay:
The problem is they're 20 yrs late to the party. Better late than never though:bang head:
The thing that bothers me about all of this.....this was brought about by the DOJ. So what prompted them to do their job NOW?
This is the equivalent of wacking misquitos one or two at a time.......nice....but doesn't begin to make a dent with the problem........keep at FBI....lots of work to do.......