Anyone been to San Juan Puerto Rico?

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2007
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Bettendorf Iowa
So my Fiance and I are getting married on November 7th and then a couple of days later are flying into San Juan and staying in old San Juan for a couple of days before jumping on a cruise for 7 days in the South Caribbean.

Just looking for recommendations of things to do there. It's like any new place. You have NO idea what you're getting into until you're there, so if anyone has been there and can offer up suggestions, I would be much appreciative. Things to do AND things to avoid. Places to eat and places to stay away from... You get it... :)

No idea but bottled water always seems like a good idea. BUT, not all bottled water is truly safe in some of those places.

I took my whole family there a couple years ago - LOVED IT ! IMHO there's plenty to do in Old San Juan for 2 days. You can go a little west to Aquadilla & do some scuba diving, travel east for the day & check out Vieques or Cullebra, a little south is ElYunke (sp) which is a beautiful rain forest , or Fahardo is also pretty cool - there are wild horses there that roam the streets kind of like how dogs & cats do here. Personally, I would stay in Old SJ for both days - plenty of forts & historical thing to see if you're into that stuff - I am. There's a park there that has a million pidgeons that will crawl into your lap & eat from your hands - Yea that sounds gross I guess, but my kids thought it was cool. Puerto Rico is practically a US state & people there LOVE mainlanders - we were treated like kings when we were there. Almost everybody speaks some english & YES you can drink the water! LOL It in no way resembles Mexico or Belize or any of the 3rd world counties. I would go there again in a heartbeat...
First of all, congrats to you and your fiance on the upcoming nuptuals. I'll second Rich's comments, and emphasize how cool El Yunque is--the only tropical rainforest in the US. Be sure to rent a couple of scooters to take the ride up there.
NO WAY IN HELL I am driving a scooter there. No way. I have heard the horror stories.

Good info all! Much appreciated. Oh and KJ... Yeah... We've been practicing for the honeymoon. Pretty sure we've got it down but we may need more training...
