Berkeley Dispensaries to Provide Free Marijuana to Low-Income Members

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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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Lawton, OK
Medical marijuana dispensaries in Berkeley will likely soon be required to provide free pot to low-income members and homeless people, according to an ordinance approved by the city council on Tuesday.

The city is also looking to approve a fourth dispensary, raising the current limit of three locations.

The proposed ordinance, first reported by the East Bay Express, requires that Berkeley dispensaries give away two percent of the amount of cannabis they sell each year low-income people. And the pot can't be poor quality either. The proposed city ordinance reads (PDF) that the "medical cannabis provided under this section shall be the same quality on average" as marijuana "dispensed to other members."

“It’s sort of a cruel thing that when you are really ill and you do have a serious illness... it can be hard to work, it can be hard to maintain a job and when that happens, your finances suffer and then you can’t buy the medicine you need,” said Sean Luce with the Berkeley Patients Group.

In order to be eligible, a person must qualify for exemption from local taxes and fees, an income level that's set every year by the city council. That equates to $32,000 a year for one person and $46,000 a year for a family of four.

The ordinance is awaiting final approval, but could become law in August.
Sounds like Berkeley, all right . . . next it will be free for illegals. Not saying it doesn't have medical value, but giving it away to any class is a slippery slope.
I had heard about this....and just couldn't believe i looked it up.
A " slippery slope it is!!!!!!! We have a generation addicted to thier "screens" now. When pot and other drugs become legal for adults---- even more of our youngest generation will have more access to them.

Sure alcohol is legal for "adults" and plenty of kids get thier hands on it. Same with pot and pills. We'll have the "stoned" generation. The booze is bad enough ----must we have another intoxacant legalized???

Personally, id rather have pot than alcohol, but until its legal ill do without. I always liked how productive it made me, but i wasnt your typical smoker either, lol.
The problem that I have....isn't with the Pot....its with a government stepping into to provide it for you, if you are low income.
You mean how productive it made you FEEL ?

No, i use to lounge around until i smoked, then id go out and get work done, lol. It made me want to get off the couch and be outside, but that was late teens very early twenties. I didnt have anything on the line that i was responsible for then other than gas n insurance for my car either, lol. Times change and myself with them.

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