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Bill Seward

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Holland NY
I'm riding home yesterday on the Roadstar, and this female driver looks STRAIGHT AT ME, and proceeds to pull out directly in my path! In 46 years of riding, this has to rate in the top 5 close calls. I give her a nice loud blast with the Stebel air horns, and knowing her error, she pulls over out of my way. I still had to swerve herd to miss her... As I rode by, I yelled something I think went like "Fuckinstupidassholewatchwhereyou'regoing" into her open drivers side window. She had the "Deer In The Headlights" look in her eyes - and that was when I recognized her as one of my wife's friends. She (not Kathy!) is a bit of a bozo, and probably drinks a bit too much, but that excuses nothing.

I told Kathy about the incident when I got home, and she was less than amused. Next time Rachel calls her, she's gonna get another earful!
Dam! And someone you know ain't that some shit

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I tend to carry a handful of ball bearings in my pocket to pelt a fool's windshield when they do such things. It may seem wrong, but it may make them pay more attention next time, and avoid the next guy getting killed.
I take the tell your wife to say "what are you trying to do kill my husband?" As a lead off to her conversation and let the goofy bitch back peddle from there. I wouldn't think twice about telling off someone who's a fucking idiot behind the wheel! I don't care if its your grandmother! Fuck that! It only takes once to get killed. Then all the apologies in the world ain't worth dick if your dead!
That kind of shit happens all the time up here in the mountains of nc,A lot of tourist,I was wrecked a couple of years back.Just come over in my lane down the interstate,No reason didn't look didn't shit.
Glad you didn't get hurt Bill....I had the same thing happen about a month ago.

Just because they're looking you right in the face....don't assume they see you, because very often they don't! I think it's a 'threat recognition' thing, we don't register as a threat, therefore they just don't see us.
Always glad to hear about near misses vs a crash. BUT, I am also concerned that you had time to actually honk the horn? My first reaction is to get out of the scenario then worry about giving them an earful. I've only ever used my horn to get attention and have someone move.
Glad you dodged that bullet.

Always glad to hear about near misses vs a crash. BUT, I am also concerned that you had time to actually honk the horn? My first reaction is to get out of the scenario then worry about giving them an earful. I've only ever used my horn to get attention and have someone move.


Some of them people out there definitely drive with their head up their asses.
when I first had the bike on the road back in '08, I had some dumb gal with add (Advanced Dip-shit Driving) look right at me then cut me off.
It was then I realized the chicken shit horn the Vmax had. Reminded me of a '70 roadrunner's "meep meep" Dodge/Plymouth paid a fortune to replicate from the cartoon.
Glad you didn't get hurt Bill....I had the same thing happen about a month ago.

Just because they're looking you right in the face....don't assume they see you, because very often they don't! I think it's a 'threat recognition' thing, we don't register as a threat, therefore they just don't see us.
+1 BD, If I see someone inching out like their going to pull out in front of me I steer at them hopefully producing a threat reaction so they will notice you. At the same time I am slowing down preparing to stop if it doesn't work. Most times I get an abrupt braking action on their behalf. I have the stock horn so I rarely use it other than to say "hi" to a friend or a good looking girl.
I'm glad you escaped safely Bill! Close calls are no fun to go through nor to hear about from a friend.