Don't cross your thumbs (graphic pic)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2006
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Caution: graphic pic attached

Don't crossbow your thumb, that is.

Shala learned the hard way NOT to put her thumbnail into the crossbow strings' path. Her crossbow has 150lbs pull, but I'm unsure what velocity that makes the string travel. Here's a pic of what happened when that string hooked her thumbnail.

crossbow thumb.jpg
Yuck! I doubt she'll ever get that nail back.

Suddenly she's lost interest in gripping a throttle. (now it's bike related)
Ouch! I know that must really hurt. I hope it feels better soon!
I just had a hangnail cut out, but I'm sure Shala's pain is much worse than mine was! It was my left big toe so shifting was a bit of a pain.
She met me in the garage as I dismounted that afternoon last week. She already had it wrapped in gauze & a hand towel. She asked me to help her wrap the surgical tape around it, telling me what had happened, but didn't allow me to actually SEE it at that time. She just said it had taken the nail, and "part of the tip of her thumb" off. As I wrapped the tape, I had no clue how bad it really was. She got weak and nearly went down while I bandaged. She went to the doc the next day, but there's really nothing they could do except update her shots etc.

4 or 5 days in, and she finally took this pic when re-bandaging. I wish she had just opted for shooting a deer with a rifle this year, instead of adding the crossbow to her arsenal.
My wife just got into shooting pistols and i grabbed +p ammo for her gun (without knowing) she fired off 5 rounds and said somethings not right my hand hurt's. I looked at the box and felt bad. after that pic of your wife's thumb I feel real bad for her. And you. I know the feeling you get inside when you do tough things with your wife and it go's bad. I lost my wife off the back off a three wheeler at about 35mph and other things. Im sure you know the drill you are up against so just baby the hell out of her even if she dont want it. Some chicks are tough but deep down still want you to take care for them. Sorry to see it went so bad. This one will haunt you every time you do future stuff with your wife. Man i dont even want to see that pic again.
I guess I can't take a whole lotta credit for this one though. She came home with the crossbow w/o ever giving me the slightest inkling of an idea that she wanted one. I don't shoot one, nor even a regular bow. This was all her. I did help with putting together the tips, gluing, assembling, etc. May even have helped a bit showing how to dial in the sights. But she set out her target and was trying to adj those sights before I got home that day. She's pretty independent like that. When she first allowed me to fire a couple rounds, she went so far as to point out that I'd wanna keep my fingers below that line with my forward hand - as she'd already had the string 'breeze' her thumb once before. Not a problem for me as I seldom wear glue-on nail extensions. This crossbow string actually caught, and held onto, her glued on nail, then ripped it out literally yanking the tip of her thumb off in the process.

If thinking about that don't make you cringe a little on the inside, you got a cement stomach.

Yeah, I feel for her too. Toughest woman I know - and love. I'm lucky to have her in my life.

Hopes she rcovers with all her digits intact.

Yeeowch! Gotta be careful that infection doesn't set in!! Fingers and toes are the worst place to get hurt, seems like you always bump em.
Yes, hands & feet are important for so-many reasons: mobility, work, cleaning and feeding yourself, recreation...and when I see bikers wearing sandals, zories, or even barefeet, sometimes I can't help it, and I am a "buttinski," and tell them I can recommend a good plastic surgeon, because if they keep riding like that, they're gonna need one. I'm being treated by one right now, for a hand injury, and can't ride because of it. Another two weeks and I might try to ride.

I had a textbook of hand & feet injuries, most of them were traumatic injuries due to industrial accidents, absolutely horrible injuries which change peoples' lives. A moment of inattention, not knowing proper use of a tool, not using safeguards, or circumventing them, all reasons for hand and feet trauma.

Years-ago, one of my fire/rescue friends was lubing/cleaning the chain on his Honda 550 w/the engine running, on the centerstand, & in-gear. His rag he was holding caught in the sprocket and he was lucky he didn't amputate his fingers, it just cost him the top of his thumb. He's retired in IA now, but I still don't dare call him 'Thumbs,' like one of my older brothers prompted me to do to the butcher, when I was about five. My Mom, who was shopping w/the butcher when I did it, was mortified, and what did I know? It was my brother who got in-trouble.

Be sure to keep an eye on it and if it starts to get the 'bloodline' from the thumb going up the forearm, go to the ER immediately! Sepsis can kill you, not trying to be alarmist, but I've been on oral antibiotics for a month and had surgery a week ago, and I'm not going to let a septic spreading disease take me out!

Maybe a plastic surgeon can help...
I've always possessed a remarkable grasp of the's a gift! :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

You are a hero!...

I hope her thumbnail grows back nice and straight Jf, most women like to get them painted up occasionally....
Be sure to keep an eye on it and if it starts to get the 'bloodline' from the thumb going up the forearm, go to the ER immediately! Sepsis can kill you, not trying to be alarmist, but I've been on oral antibiotics for a month and had surgery a week ago, and I'm not going to let a septic spreading disease take me out!

Not much chance of that - Shala's been a registered Nurse for over 28 yrs, and as a nursing home administrator most recently, she makes a living seeing to it that old or handicapped peoples' sores get proper treatment 24/7.

I hope her thumbnail grows back nice and straight Jf, most women like to get them painted up occasionally....

- If it hadn't been for the added nail length she had glued on there, she might not be in this fix to start with -

But I guess she could always superglue a whole nail on there when she is gettin' the other's extended, filled, painted or whatever them girls do when they enter the nail shop?

Thanks guys for the well wishes - I'll pass them along.
I missed the crossbow I understand how it happened. She is, without a doubt, one tough lady!! :worthy:

I was thinking compound bow and missed the crossbow part myself. That makes my hand hurt just looking at it. Hope for her sake it heals up ok
She says she's gonna start asking for a discount at the nail place when she goes in for a full re-do from now on.