Feed the Children Ride

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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
San Pedro Ca
Hello All
Friday I had the oppurtunity to do a charity ride and it was awesome. All of the Star Touring chapters here in So Cal got together at Yamaha Headquaters for the annual Feed the Children charity event. It was awesome. There were probably about 150 of us there. We had a police escort from Yamaha to the event. For those that could we bungeed a box of food to the back.
When we got to the event there was a news crew. We unpacked the semi truck and handed out all the food and toys. All in all it was a good day.
They had the new VMax on display, no demo rides though:damn angry:

And for me it was a particularly awesome day, why you ask? Well I will tell you.

The president of Yamaha USA, Masato Adachi, was on hand for the event. We all had a our bikes parked around a giant circle in front of the building. He was walking around all the bikes admiring all the engineering that Yamaha puts into their bikes and then came to a stop in front of only one bike to pause and take note. Yep, MINE :biglaugh: the one and only Gen 1 Max there. At first I didnt know who he was but he did have an entourage following him around.
He stopped in front and I was shooting the shit with the guys I went up there with and he asked who's bike it was. I told him mine, he asked what year it was I told him an '86, he did some quick math and said "ahhh 22 years old" (imagine that in your best old man Japanese accent) I said Yes Sir. He came closer inspected the bike and said "Very proud of you, good maintenance on this bike." Then quitely walked away. After he left my chapter president asked me if I knew who that was. I told him I would have to guess by his age and his entourage someone important. He told me it was the president of Yamaha USA!!!
Later that day one of his croonies came up to me and got my info and what I had have done to the bike. I told them and gave them Sean's Info as well and told them about this forum. He said they were familiar with the forum and watch it from time to time especially when they were doing research for the new Max.
Then he sent over some of his factory riders to talk to me and what kind of maintenance schedule I do for the bike. These were all young kids, I think the oldest was barely older than my bike. It was a small q&a session.
All in all it was a good day.
I try and do all charity rides that involve children. I did one back in Sept for Vanderbilt Childrens Hosp. Huge turn out and was a lot of fun. Mostly Harley Riders but still had fun cause we all knew our 50.00 were going to children that are less fortunate than us.
Definitely like to get involved in the charity rides, especially the ones for children.

Great story too - hopefully something cool comes out of it for you from the Yamaha boys.


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