Happy Fricken Birthday!

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Bill Seward

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Holland NY
OK, I hit the big SIX-OH today. That's not the point of the thread. (but where are all the birthday cards, guys??)

The real reason for the post is that it's also the bikes "birthday" today.
If you assume the bikes birthday is the day it was sold or first ridden, my Max is 25 years old today. (Bought it for my 35th Birthday in 1985)

Which brings me to this question. I've owned a VMax for 25 years today.
Anyone on this forum owned one longer than that? How many guys here weren't even ALIVE when I bought it???

Hopefully, I'll be around to celebrate it's 50th!
So right after I post this - I go over to the Birthday thread and see some very kind birthday wishes. Thanks guys! I had a good birthday, even got the Max out for a bit of a ride here in the cold today.

One of my birthday gifts (along with a Gold Wing Battery!) was a can of carb cleaner. I did the shotgun to the carbs today. All is well in the world.

60 years of a good life.
A fox for a wife.
A job that pays the bills.
and a VMax.....

I'm smiling right now.

What a life!!!!!:eusa_dance:

Happy birthday and congrats.....:worthy:
What else could a man need ? Happy Bday !
I have had my 85 for ninteen years now, bought it in 91 with 1300 miles on it, I was 25 years old. I have been with my Vmax longer then my wife of 16 years. :cheers:
i wasnt alive. sorry mang. i bet it was even scarier back then. did you pwn any ninjas?

did they have ninyas back then?
Happy Birthday Bill. :clapping::eusa_dance:
Ya Im older than your bike, but not by much. But, I think theres been a Vmax in my garage since circa '86. My dad bought the used ones that other guys who got scared brought back. He had quit a few. I remember all the burgundy and odd purple colors of the early Maxs. Did anyone else go to second grade on one?:rocket bike:

First street bike I ever rode. Rode the yellow '95 to high school some times. But didnt get my license till last yr:confused2:
Happy belated Birthday, Bill!! I graduated in 85' and remember the mighty Vmax first coming onto the market. We stood at the local Yamaha dealership and drooled. I almost bought one in 99' but ended up waiting until 06 to get mine.
i wasnt alive. sorry mang. i bet it was even scarier back then. did you pwn any ninjas?

did they have ninyas back then?

Dude! He's 60.... Do you think he knows what "pwn" means? :biglaugh:

Had mine since 2006!

Happy belated!

I didn't log in all weekend.

OK, I hit the big SIX-OH today. That's not the point of the thread. (but where are all the birthday cards, guys??)

The real reason for the post is that it's also the bikes "birthday" today.
If you assume the bikes birthday is the day it was sold or first ridden, my Max is 25 years old today. (Bought it for my 35th Birthday in 1985)

Which brings me to this question. I've owned a VMax for 25 years today.
Anyone on this forum owned one longer than that? How many guys here weren't even ALIVE when I bought it???

Hopefully, I'll be around to celebrate it's 50th!

Happy B-day Bill.

I have you beat by about a month and a half. I took possession of mine the first week of 1985. However, that bike was taken from me by a 15 yr old girl with a learners' permit when she turned left without yielding to my right of way. :biglaugh: I bought my current 1985 vmax, leftover, still in the crate in Oct 1987 after collecting from her insurance company.

So I guess your bike has been "in service" technically longer than mine, but I've owned a 1985 a tiny bit longer.
I will offer you a tip of the hat. You do win the earliest owner derby, but I got you by the technicality of having owned the SAME Max continously.

However, anyone owning a '85, even if they bought it last week is in a class by themself. My '85 is going to wind up in my will some day. Let the family fight over it after I'm gone.

thanks for all the B'day wishes. You all are truly fine people, and I'm honored to be among you.

Happy belated Birthday Day you old fart. I hope I make it to 60. I know if I had bought a Max back in 85 I wouldn't be here today.
"Pwn" is 1337-speak (gamer slang) for "owned", meaning you beat someone else soundly or in a spectacular fashion. As in "my Vmax pwned your Sportster"

My first bike was 8 years older than I was....a 1982 Suzuki. Then my 1985 Honda, and now my '97 Vmax. I know I'll be holding onto the Max for a while....I really don't know where I could possibly upgrade to! Maybe a Gen II someday, but now they're way too expensive for me, and I love my Gen I.

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