Happy new year

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
Pittsburgh Pa
I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and personally I have a few resolutions
1. Make Thunder this year
2. Stop smoking
3. Start my own business
Ride safe everyone and have a safe and prosperous year, Ed✨
Happy New year Ed!

All th best with your resolutions, I just want to do what Morrison said couldnt be done! Get out alive!
From the newguy too all you old timers around here..
Happy New Year!!
Best to you all and your families..
And safe riding for All!!
Happy New year to ALL on this forum and you're familes. Hope it's a safe and good one!

My only resolution is to have Zero Ambulance or Life Flight Trips!:punk:
HNY ALL!!!!! i hope/wish/pray for only the best to each and every one of you.

Regards from my Taptalking Hercules Android
Happy new year everyone!! I'm cutting weight right now and just ordered a progressive nitrous controller, my new years resolution is to ride my bike more and get at least one 9 second pass this year then take a break from racing for awhile before I blow the damn thing up!! LOL
I'm NOT gonna quit smoking.:bang head:
I don't need to lose any more weight. But I do need to build strength back.
I'm gonna start drinking beer again. Bud Light is the best medicine ever.
Gonna look much closer at great looking women (Especially My Wife)
I will begin carrying Multiple Forearms and other weapons. Getting Old Really Sucks.
Spending my Money so The kids won't have to worry about what to do with it when I'm gone.
Will make good friends even closer friends and Delete the ones who are DickHeads.
I'm going all out to continue bitching about our totally FU Federal Government.
Will fight the fight against Gun Control for legal gun owners.

May actually take SkullDuggery to the strip to race CaptainKyle if I can enlarge my balls a little.:confused2::rofl_200:
Oh, and be Alive for the next NewYear, I Sincerely Hope....

And, A couple thousand other things:ummm:

Happy New Year to all my Good Brothers Here. Best Forum Anywhere!!!!!!
Happy New Year to everyone from BRC! :clapping:
Just one NY's resolution that I can think of.....sleep in later....that's about it! :biglaugh:

Hoping for a safe and healthy new year for each and everyone of us in our VMax community. :eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:
Happy new year guys
I need to make a resolution about drinking some water before I go to bed when I am hammered cause I am REALLY thirsty right now.

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