Irma Hurricane path past Florida

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Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
My home is in a possible evacuation zone, but the evacuation hasn't yet been ordered. Looks like the hurricane will pass through the Straits of Florida, a bit to the south of Miami & the peninsula, but you just don't know until the event is about 24 hours out, where it heads. If it's ordered, I'll go. Hurricane Andrew caused a power outage of > 2 weeks at our home in 1992, I was on duty for that one. Wilma in 2005 was another bad one, I was dispatched door to door searching for trapped and deceased victims after that. It destroyed hundreds of mobile homes in the community I was working in, just unbelievable. Whole parks, wiped out. I just saw the chief building official for the community today at lunch, and we both said, "here we go, again!" I hope not.

These storms are nothing to trifle-about. If the order is given, you have to take your important papers, and evacuate.

Dry vs wet is another issue. Houston had a 'wet event.' What happens here remains to be seen. Batten down the hatches.
I was just reading about this, and the seriousness of it. I'd leave, take the family on a vacation. Absolutely no reason to stay and risk anything. They were comparing it to storms of the same size, and fear that tho is " the one". I'm sure we'll talk more in this thread about it, but I'm wishing you guys the best right away.

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I've been following this storm today. It's mother of a hurricane. 185mph winds and bigger than the entire state of Ohio. Definitely not one to trifle with. Hoping for the best outcome for Florida and the folks in Puerto Rico.
You never know where these storms will go until they've passed. My Nieces and Nephews evacuated a storm in South Carolina and it went to where they were. Might have been much better staying home.. It's all in Gods hands. We plan on staying here in Tampa Bay. we're at 43 feet and in a well maintained block home rated at 175 MPH Wind...

Say a prayer for us if anything, Thank You.... And if we should die, we're over this world anyway..

Dave and Mary
Gonna dig in. Haven't run from one yet. One thing is for sure in Florida, it is gonna rain. Just have to be prepared for it.
I wish all my friends the best that are down their. We are watching it close to since Christine still has the House in Oldsmar. It is under contract supposed to close on the 18th hope it does not get messed up.
Medic, please be safe and thank you for your service. Think we'll be ok in Tampa but your in trouble. Good luck and god bless!
I'd offer them a 5% discount to close Friday! This thing is wicked & a hard blow. Mandatory evacuation in my neighborhood @ noon Thursday 9-7-17. A mile from the beach & 2 blocks off the Intracoastal Waterway.

I wish all my friends the best that are down their. We are watching it close to since Christine still has the House in Oldsmar. It is under contract supposed to close on the 18th hope it does not get messed up.
These storms are nothing to trifle-about. If the order is given, you have to take your important papers, and evacuate.

That is terrific advice. Why people insist on staying put when they are advised to leave is beyond me. It's not like there is anything you can do by staying in your home that will help prevent any damage.

You're just putting yourself and first responders at risk.

I hope you, your loved ones and your home get through this unscathed Philip.

It is a scary storm and no one can predict at this point exactly where in Florida, or anywhere else for that matter it will come ashore.
Ran my Generators last night , almost done getting my house shuttered up tonight , tomorrow night remove roof vents , chain boat and trailer to my Inclosed race car trailer .

I'm getting a little FREAKED OUT !
New advisory looks bad for Miami area! I75 through Brandon Fl is all backed up from south Fl traffic. Don't wait any longer to leave or you'll be stuck on the roads during a cat 4 storm. Good luck everyone!

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