It's extortion any way you cut it!

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Jun 25, 2008
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columbia county new york
NY's good ol' Gov. Blo-mo has figured out a great way to shake down casinos located on Indian lands....he told them the state of NY would build a bunch of 'state of the art' casinos located in the 'back yards' of Indian casinos unless the Indians paid NY State $50 million dollars!

They really had no choice and a landmark agreement was signed a couple days ago making it official.

Didn't the mafia use this very same tactic in Vegas and Atlantic City and dozens of other places throughout the country to further their wealth? 'Course it was illegal for them to do it.

Edit: It's $50 mil....annually!!
Reminds me of the joke where the boy says to his dad when he grows up he wants to get into organised crime, and dad asks if he's thinking government.. :confused2:
Perhaps your Guv simply thinks it's time those Casino's began paying their fare share of taxes like most other Corp's are required to do?

I know near here, in OK, when an Indian agency buys a parcel of land, it is then taken out of most, if not all, the local/state tax roles, and then considered exempt. I've never understood how that was quite fair to all the other local businesses or individual taxpayers.
Perhaps your Guv simply thinks it's time those Casino's began paying their fare share of taxes like most other Corp's are required to do?

I know near here, in OK, when an Indian agency buys a parcel of land, it is then taken out of most, if not all, the local/state tax roles, and then considered exempt. I've never understood how that was quite fair to all the other local businesses or individual taxpayers.

Yeah, that's undoubtedly the reasoning behind the whole deal but even discounting the treaty provisions from way back when, when the Indians were shoe-horned onto whatever shit land the white man didn't want and fed empty promises, the Gov is still using strong arm tactics and bullying to accomplish his goals.

Certainly not unusual in this current political climate but sux just the same.
what just now the gov realise how much cash they bring in..... I thouht they (govm'nt) gave them the tax break some land and casino money as compensation for...well......taking the rest of the so now they want to collect on it right hahahhaha

didnt read link yet but is that the gist of it
what just now the gov realise how much cash they bring in..... I thouht they (govm'nt) gave them the tax break some land and casino money as compensation for...well......taking the rest of the so now they want to collect on it right hahahhaha

didnt read link yet but is that the gist of it

It was fine as long as the Indians sold beads and trinkets 'n shit....but now that they figured out how to make some serious coin....the state (which is gioing broke....incidentally) wants it!! who is running for popularity....must be linked eh....he or she looking for votes or they all in on it bahhah
Aren't the casinos built on Indian land, and isn't the Indian land considered a sovereign nation?

BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) is the only law enforcement allowed on it. Not even state troopers are allowed, without permission.
Aren't the casinos built on Indian land, and isn't the Indian land considered a sovereign nation?

BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) is the only law enforcement allowed on it. Not even state troopers are allowed, without permission.

Exactly! Probly why he threatened them with competing casinos rather than imposing an illegal treaties broken, no laws infringed....just plain ol' 'Guido' type business practices...."Hey, it's nottin' poiseonal."
Exactly! Probly why he threatened them with competing casinos rather than imposing an illegal treaties broken, no laws infringed....just plain ol' 'Guido' type business practices...."Hey, it's nottin' poiseonal."


Kinda different mafioso style eh...modern bullies
It makes no sense for Indians to not pay taxes. Yes their ancestors were screwed over, but by people no longer alive. They're being rewarded for something that happened to folks long since gone. It basically puts them in a better spot than a regular guy who busts his ass to make a living and pays ungodly, always increasing amounts of taxes. That gives them more rights than your average joe. Kind of unconstitutional if you ask me. At the same time, that's still some screwed up stuff.
Guess we could all chip in to make amends for what the mean ole white man did to them so long, long ago - we could start by donating 1/2 our current property back to them to add to their federally protected Indian reservations. Would that help? Yeah, prolly not enough compensation. Maybe we could give them the whole state of NY back? Prolly still not enough compensation for them losing back then. We'd do best to give back all of the US and move back to Europe. With Obummer ruining the whole place, we'd prolly be better off back over there anyway.

Gimmeabreak. I think it's time they started chipping in their fair share. I don't think any treaty gave them their most recent land purchases for casinos around here. All bought from local land owners, then taken out of the tax base, leaving the remaining citizens with a heavier tax burden.

Sorry if my viewpoint hurts anyone's feelings, or hits too close to home for anyone. - not my intent.
Maybe they should pay taxes, I don't know :confused2:....that's not my point. A deal was made many moons ago with the Indians....if there is cause to recind that now then it should be done in the proper manner....not this 'Mustach Pete' shit!

Same way he skirted the 2nd Ammendment by strong arming the state legislature to pass his 'Safe Act' in the middle of the night!

It's bullshit, he's serving his own agenda, plain & simple.
Guess we could all chip in to make amends for what the mean ole white man did to them so long, long ago - we could start by donating 1/2 our current property back to them to add to their federally protected Indian reservations. Would that help? Yeah, prolly not enough compensation. Maybe we could give them the whole state of NY back? Prolly still not enough compensation for them losing back then. We'd do best to give back all of the US and move back to Europe. With Obummer ruining the whole place, we'd prolly be better off back over there anyway.

Gimmeabreak. I think it's time they started chipping in their fair share. I don't think any treaty gave them their most recent land purchases for casinos around here. All bought from local land owners, then taken out of the tax base, leaving the remaining citizens with a heavier tax burden.

Sorry if my viewpoint hurts anyone's feelings, or hits too close to home for anyone. - not my intent.

LOL....dont hurt feelings here. This is why I like the burn out pit...people can have different opinions...and its no big deal. we ALL ride VMAX..and would never leave each other stranded on the side of the road.
Maybe they should pay taxes, I don't know :confused2:....that's not my point. A deal was made many moons ago with the Indians....if there is cause to recind that now then it should be done in the proper manner....not this 'Mustach Pete' shit!

Same way he skirted the 2nd Ammendment by strong arming the state legislature to pass his 'Safe Act' in the middle of the night!

It's bullshit, he's serving his own agenda, plain & simple.

I agree with you 100%. The indians are only using the laws that are in place. Someone somewhere made the agreement that they didn't have to pay taxes, and have their own sovereign nation.
I can agree that he should have gone a legal route to get them taxed, and not do an end runaround to get at them.
Michigan tribes pay 9% of their revenues to the state and a larger % to the feds. It is a compact that all the Michigan tribes have with the state.
Michigan tribes pay 9% of their revenues to the state and a larger % to the feds. It is a compact that all the Michigan tribes have with the state.

Apparently the NYS tribes have to pony up 25% of the slots take(I think)...expected to be around $50 mil annually. Don't know if the Feds got their hand in here or not....but for certain, they will soon after this precedent.
"Do Indian tribes pay taxes?

Indian tribal businesses do pay a wide variety of taxes, including taxes on wagering, occupational taxes, and employment taxes. For federal income tax purposes, however, Indian tribes are governmental entities and, as such, are not required to pay taxes on the income generated by the Indian tribes, including income generated by commercial activities.

Do Indian individuals pay taxes?

Indians are subject to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code and pay taxes on the same basis as any other citizen of the United States subject to minor differences. While gaming profits generated by the tribes are not taxed at the tribal level, any payments of those profits in the form of per capita payments to tribal members are considered taxable income under the IRS code."

exerpts copied from this website:

"Do American Indians and Alaska Natives pay taxes?
Yes. They pay the same taxes as other citizens with the following exceptions:

•Federal income taxes are not levied on income from trust lands held for them by the U.S.
•State income taxes are not paid on income earned on a federal Indian reservation.
•State sales taxes are not paid by Indians on transactions made on a federal Indian reservation.
•Local property taxes are not paid on reservation or trust land."

Exerpts from :

Minor differences indeed. And zero mention of paying property taxes to any local or county agency. In other words, the tribe buys up half the land in town, puts in a casino, and the local gov't can kiss that property tax rev bye bye.

And if I read those paragraphs correctly, it says in the Fed code that casino's don't pay Federal income taxes either.

Am I googling the wrong information here? [edit] Wouldn't be the 1st time I was wrong about something, but I just never have read actual paper clippings, or heard definitively on a news channel, that anything to do with a Tribe, or it's Tribal lands, were being taxed like the rest of non-indian America. Only good atributes I've picked up on over the years is that casinos, like em or not, provide jobs for locals, which is a good thing IMO.