Overly sensitive adjustment?

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I've always thought that 'soft' tab is some sort of built in Yamaha field fix....they probly have a special Yammie tool made specifically for 're-adjusting' that tab somewhere in the assembly line.

A few years ago when the doofy chick backed into my '96 the impact with the pavement knocking it out of sync and the tab had to be bent to get it to sync again.

But don't think that's what you have going on here Tinman....you're describing different symptoms.
If I could video it I would,its actually kinda funny to watch me trying to get them set. My wife says I look like a monkey with a rubics cube only not as smart. As soon as I can I'll get them sent off.
I had to completely remove all three sync screws and deburr the ends, just a quick bump on a disc was enough to stop the engine from going to almost 2k when turning the 3/4 to 1/2 sync screw.