Philip Seymour Hoffman dies

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It was rumored that he has battled the Dragon for years...
I am deeply saddened. His acting skill was truly the finest in Hollywood. He represented that normal looking people can act the living shit out of silver spoon babies...
RIP Your work will be remembered for generations.

He was from Fairport NY and was a prep wrestler there.

A very versatile actor, who suffered from an addictive personality. I liked his ability to make almost any role believable. I liked him as the 'heavy' in Mission Impossible,' but he had a great variety of roles.
I'm listening to a Rochester radio station. They're talking about his death on the radio. The report says he had 70 bags of herion/cocain and 20 used needles scattered around his apartment. Said He was speedballing. Mixing the two. The guy had some issues. Belushi, Chris Farley, River Phoenix died the same way.
I understand the interest on how he died but really. We should be discussing his legacy. He was one of the greatest performers on earth. Who gives a shit how he died, unless it helps prevent others from making the same choice.
Check out and find his films and watch them. That's what the media should post...

Yea he was a great actor. I think he was in every Paul Thomas Anderson(director) movie except There Will Be Blood.
He was from Fairport NY and was a prep wrestler there.

A very versatile actor, who suffered from an addictive personality. I liked his ability to make almost any role believable. I liked him as the 'heavy' in Mission Impossible,' but he had a great variety of roles.

I did too. And that made me realize some of his range when I noticed him again while re-watching Twister..............
Don't know why I feel differently but I see it as he is a drug addict that preferred getting his "High" on rather than give a shit about his health, his family or his career.
He had all the money in the world to buy OxyContin or another opiate that is measured and regulated instead of something hit or miss and eight times cheaper.
To me, it's a damn shame it happened to him or anyone but sorta the Darwining principle to me.
The weak and stupid have less of a chance to prosper.
He made his choice folks. Hope he had a good time being self impaired.
Many famous actors and comedians suffer from addictions , just like the rest of us.

I had alcohol ; 5 years sober with help from family , AA , and our Creator . It's a shame he couldn't or wouldn't get the help he obviously needed.

God bless you for making a statement like that on a public forum. I am glad for the sake of your loved ones and you that your life has changed for the better.

I have been the first on the scene many-times after someone decided to take their own life due-to substance abuse. You cannot tell me they don't know every-time they drink, freebase, shoot-up, inhale, or administer their Rx of choice, that they don't know what the eventual outcome will be. Isn't that part of the 'attraction?'

They leave-behind grieving friends/family, and if they're famous, the public is left to choose-sides about the aftermath, but it doesn't change the outcome, someone died because they were more-concerned with pleasuring themselves than they were with showing their concern for their loved ones. It's the ultimate selfish conceit, and it's only my opinion, but their behavior caused needless suffering by those who survive them, while they go into the ground. Do what you have to do to get help. Death due-to substance abuse is a shroud from-which no victim escapes.

Many famous actors and comedians suffer from addictions , just like the rest of us.

I had alcohol ; 5 years sober with help from family , AA , and our Creator . It's a shame he couldn't or wouldn't get the help he obviously needed.


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