Screwwwwww Cali.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
Lacey, WA
Fuck you you broke ass fucked up state.

Gah. So traveling along doing my thing, driving from FL to Washington, mowing along in my jeep towing my wife's car. Sticking with traffic, right above LA.

Next thing I know I got flashers behind me. I pull over. Cop comes up, decent guy, doing his job, can't fault him for that. He tells me I am doing 70 in a 65, BUT considering I am towing, my speed limit is 55 because I am considered a truck.

Now this is back in January, I just got the ticket.... For $480.
Fuck you you broke ass fucked up state.

Gah. So traveling along doing my thing, driving from FL to Washington, mowing along in my jeep towing my wife's car. Sticking with traffic, right above LA.

Next thing I know I got flashers behind me. I pull over. Cop comes up, decent guy, doing his job, can't fault him for that. He tells me I am doing 70 in a 65, BUT considering I am towing, my speed limit is 55 because I am considered a truck.

Now this is back in January, I just got the ticket.... For $480.
Just curious, were u in the fast lane? It's illegal to tow anything in that lane in California. I'm sorry that happend to you....And yes we are broke.:confused2: Welcome to the land of fruites & nuts.
Just curious, were u in the fast lane? It's illegal to tow anything in that lane in California. I'm sorry that happend to you....And yes we are broke.:confused2: Welcome to the land of fruites & nuts.

Not the fast lane but the one right next to it which he said considering it was 4 lanes I still wasent permitted in, but he dident ticket me for that.
They're all bastards. I really hate the way you get pulled from state to state with different rules - like in Texas you gotta slow down at night for example. How the hell are ya supposed to know ALL those rules?!? Take 48 highway codes with ya everytime you go on an interstate road trip?

I feel for you - that cop could easily have given you a warning if he'd been half as decent a person as you said.
wow, thats one healthy fine...
guess it's too late to fight it huh?

Nothing to fight really. I was in the wrong, I started paying closer attention to signs and there was plenty of warning I just dident think It applied to me. That and it would cost just as much to fight vs paying it. I.e. the flit down hotel ect ect
I hate when that happens.
I've never given an outsider a ticket (except for blatant speeding) Just for that reason. They've just crossed 6 states, and now are clueless of my states ordinances, so I've always just gave the heads up and let them go with a warning.

I had one couple that were riding a motorcycle and touring around when the pillion lost her helmet. I told the couple to wait in the city park (about a mile from my digs) then went home and got a spare helmet and loaned it to them. It pissed my Sgt. off, he wanted me to write the ticket. He then was saying " well, you just lost a helmet". About a month later, there was a box at the police station. In it was, my helmet , a t-shirt from Sturgis, and a thank you note.
Some cops when dealing with out-of-towners need to use a little kindness and common sense. It does go a long way.
Not the fast lane but the one right next to it which he said considering it was 4 lanes I still wasent permitted in, but he dident ticket me for that.

Yeah, in CA when you're towing you are supposed to be in the far right lane, at 55 mph, unless you are passing a slower vehicle, then you are supposed to move back to the right after you pass. However, in the Sacramento area I frequently see big motor-homes towing cars in just about every lane, at speeds well over 55 mph, and have never seen one of 'em pulled over.
NY isn't much better off. I think the automatic "we're broke" surcharge is up to around $150 now, which is applied before the actual ticketed fines are, which in NY are exorbitant.

2 summers ago I got nabbed for 72 in a 55. Court bargained it down to a "failure to obey traffic device". With the various surcharges, it was $290. If I had just marked "guilty" and sent it back, it would have been a touch over $400.

There's planned surcharge rate increases, it goes up like $20 or so a year. So that same ticket now is probably like $350.

NY will RAPE you for speeding. Why I don't speed in my truck. Not worth it. Get better mileage at 65 anyway(around 3mpg better than at 75-80) I don't give a shit on the Vmax about mileage, and I can ditch the cops should they try.
They're all bastards. I really hate the way you get pulled from state to state with different rules - like in Texas you gotta slow down at night for example. How the hell are ya supposed to know ALL those rules?!? Take 48 highway codes with ya everytime you go on an interstate road trip
I drove over the road 18 wheeler lower 48. And let me tell you what Ca. is the worst by far when it come comes to the highway patrols. I have never heard of anyone getting treated worst, and having more road rules than Ca. I was lucky that I never got a dinged there. Ny on the other hand, other than having to watch where you are going ' what roads ' I never had a problem. Chicago on the other hand the local police that had DOT trained officer where pecker heads. I stepped on a road that was not marked 70,000, was not marked in any way. I needed help I yelled out on the police band on the C.B. for help. I had an over sized load and needed to turn around. The officer that showed up smiled and said thank you , and this is going to cost you. I looked at him and asked what the hell was he talking about. That's when he told told me that the road was a 70,000 road not rated for heavy truck traffic. So he gets the road block by six other officers and tells me to turn around and follow him. Leads me back up to the highway and back the way I came to the scale house. Which I had just pass through on the other side. They scale me out all nine axles. I go in side to get my driver lic., log book and paper work back and was handed a 5,550 ticket for being on that road. And then he said after you pay the ticket I can help you out. Well I looked at him and told him ' I do not have 5,550. on me nor do I ever carried that much cash at any time. I was told to get a com check from the company, the company did not have that much on hand to make a com check good. So I was told to follow him back to his station house to park the truck and that I was under arrest and had to drive my truck to the impound lot. I was so mad I could ate nails and spit staples at this point. So I followed him back to the same road that he found me on and turned one block before where I was before he came to 'help' me. I park my over sized load in a gravel lot behind their station. Now in all fairness over sized loads have to follow a permit and a route set out on the permit and there had been a mistake on the route. I did not know the mistake was there, and my load was 147,000 pound
load. The officer knew what the mistake was, but did not tell me until fine was paid. After a while the company got the funds to pay the fine, so I could go. He lead me to back out to my route which we drove on that 70,000 pound road again for the third time. I got back on track lost 6 hours dealing with that. I drove back up to go to court because I was knew I was not in wrong, and the mistake was in the permit and the road had no signage for 70,000 rating. Well I ended up in front of three judges that morning, each one passing me up to a 'higher' court. When I was call in front of the last judge he told me to talk to the D.A. who was in case of the state. We talked, he told me that the was the highest fine for over weight that could be placed on me and it did not cover all the extra weight on that road, the officer could have helped me out and gave me a ticket for some thing which would ok but to make me lose 6 hours for their greed was wrong. And a days travel to go to court.
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I've been working here in cali. for the last 3 months,

The one thing that drives me nuts more than any other out here is people driving in the fast lane for miles and miles at the speed limit or lower.

I don't know what the rules are here on this....

In Texas it's posted.

"Slower traffic keep right"

Notice it says "slower", not "slower than the speed limit"

And it is also posted "Left lane for passing only"
Means if someone is behind you trying to get around it doesn't matter if your going the speed limit or going 90mph, you're supposed to get the hell over to the right when opportunity presen ts itself.

I never realized how valuable these two laws are until being in states that don't have it....

Oh, the night time speed limits are clearly posted in Texas, two signs, different colors, about 50 yards apart, the night time limit isn't ever less than 60, more often 65...Considering the day time limit is anywhere from minimum 70 to 85 out in West Texas it isn't so bad.....

The night time limit is actually off the books as of last fall, but still in effect where the signs are still up, they are gradually changing them out county by county....
He tells me I am doing 70 in a 65, BUT considering I am towing, my speed limit is 55 because I am considered a truck.
I think that the states with split speed limits for semi's and vehicle towing something is total B.S. also if your moving with the flow of traffic what the is the problem. And I am pretty sure all states have move over laws on the books and passing laws. You are to keep to the right lane no matter the number of lanes unless passing, moving over to let traffic merge or moving from an exit lane only. And that brings up another fine point. The people that ride the left lanes until they are just short of their exit and cut right to get to the exit 50 to 100 feet from the exit.

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