Snow sucks..

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Bill Seward

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Holland NY
Bright sunshine while I snowblowed the driveway before a trip to Christmas Dinner.. 4 hours later, I had 18" or more in the driveway, and the road wasn't touched by a plow. 4 good snow tires and a Kia Soul got me down the road into the garage without problem. I'll do the driveway sometime tomorrow. About 87 days till Spring.
That does suck. I spent a good hour or so after Christmas dinner helping people get back to the pavement from my driveway. This is my first year with AWD and feeling pretty cocky so far. I still stop at the bottom of the hill to lock in my hubs before I realize that is no longer necessary. I'm diggin' the shit out of the Quattro this year.

Just remember the bright side of snow, The harsh winters prevent hordes of people from overpopulating your location. It's like a Californian repellent :stir pot::clapping:
Lucky here, so far this winter. But, hurricane force winds yesterday for a short period. +15 k homes without electricity. I could hear chain saws running at midnight still. I'll be collecting firewood today.
I blew almost 2 feet out of the driveway this morning. Got out for some gasoline and a gallon of milk. The roads were in great shape, lots better than yesterday - but more is coming...
The inconvenience will always be a pain, but having some fun does dull the pain. For instance make a snow angel, have a snowball fight or my personal favorite, my daughter and I go buy donuts and then come back to my parking lot and do 4wheel drive donuts while we eat our donuts. Almost as big a grin as twisting it to the stops on a long straight. Bill you do tend to get more than your fair share of snow. Hook up one of those snow track kits to your Harley, I've seen a few. With all of that low down torque it would be a blast.:eusa_dance:
I’ve been lucky as the amount of snow we’ve had has been minimal. But I have pulled a few cars out, even did one with my Subaru. AWD is the way to go if you live where the snow falls. Im a big fan of doing donuts and drifting... I’m also counting the days til I can get on the bike. I have new mods to enjoy.

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We have a little over 2' on the ground and today it is cold (-15/ -29 wind chill). The winter this year has arrived a little earlier but it's nothing out of the ordinary. I drive a Front wheel driven GMC Terrain with Blizzak tires which work great, my GMC K1500 is my backup if the snow is really deep but it does not have snow tires so it doesn't drive on the ice very well. I need to get a new pair of CC skis but I do have some snowshoes to recreate on.
I lived about 10 miles south of the shore of Lake Ontario when I learned to drive, in western NY. After five years, I managed to find a livelihood in sunny south Florida. I much-prefer the deep south. I like the change of seasons, and I can take a large winged aluminum (or carbon fiber) tube to the climate of my choice, experience the weather and return to no-snow.

The pool is down to 68 degrees F so that's it for awhile, it's gotta get up-close to 80 F for me to want to get that-wet.

Stay safe in the winter inclement driving conditions, and carry your emergency supplies in-case you get stranded.
We have a little over 2' on the ground and today it is cold (-15/ -29 wind chill). The winter this year has arrived a little earlier but it's nothing out of the ordinary. I drive a Front wheel driven GMC Terrain with Blizzak tires which work great, my GMC K1500 is my backup if the snow is really deep but it does not have snow tires so it doesn't drive on the ice very well. I need to get a new pair of CC skis but I do have some snowshoes to recreate on.

It's truly amazing what front wheel drive, snow tires and a little common sense can do. Wifey is a very inexperienced driver and she does great with the FWD Acura and studded snows. Unfortunately studless snows just dont work in our insane driveway. I'm noticing with AWD that going is not the problem, stopping can be a different story though.

Back in 2013 we had over 3' of mostly unforcasted snow, it wasnt really cold so it was very heavy and wet. We were snowed in for 7-8 days and out of power for about 2 weeks. We just sat at the wood stove drinking tea and listening to trees bucking and snapping under the weight of the wet snow. When they hit the ground it's like a clap of thunder. Sometimes true 4wd, crawl ratios and back to back lockers is the bare minimum out here. I never regret living with these winters until it starts dropping below 0. I would never consider moving back to a city or back to the West Coast but I'm getting to fucking old for that sort of deep freeze.


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It's truly amazing what front wheel drive, snow tires and a little common sense can do. Wifey is a very inexperienced driver and she does great with the FWD Acura and studded snows. Unfortunately studless snows just dont work in our insane driveway. I'm noticing with AWD that going is not the problem, stopping can be a different story though.

Back in 2013 we had over 3' of mostly unforcasted snow, it wasnt really cold so it was very heavy and wet. We were snowed in for 7-8 days and out of power for about 2 weeks. We just sat at the wood stove drinking tea and listening to trees bucking and snapping under the weight of the wet snow. When they hit the ground it's like a clap of thunder. Sometimes true 4wd, crawl ratios and back to back lockers is the bare minimum out here. I never regret living with these winters until it starts dropping below 0. I would never consider moving back to a city or back to the West Coast but I'm getting to fucking old for that sort of deep freeze.
The cold is a pain but mostly for the vehicles, not me. If I'm outside I below 0 weather it is generally to do something like shoveling, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, you know something active because only a snowman can handle the below zero temps standing still.
I recall a couple of Decembers back I was able to take the cycles out for a ride on the 24th! Not so much this year... heh
A lot of Canadians in South Florida Miami Fort Lauderdale area this time of year and a lot of them seem to have brought their bikes with them, a lot of Harley Riders.
Did the snow make it to S FLA? It has been hitting places it hasn't in many years.
We continue with the cold weather currently -26* with the wind chill and about 2' of snow on the ground.
It's low 40's in Miami/Ft. Lauderdale the last few nights by the coast, and probably high 30's inland, the ocean keeps things warmer.

No snow this far south, but I have a claim to fame as a south Florida firefighter from the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area, I fought a structure fire in the snow! It was 1-20-1977, we had snow here, widely reported nationally. A Dade County pine construction cottage caught fire and unfortunately the resident, an elderly woman, died. Dade Co. Pine is famous for its dense, resinous wood, very hard to drive 16d common 'sinkers' (nails) into. It burns hot and fast. So I've got that fire in my memory.

Also, I retired yesterday, for the second time, the first was as a firefighter/paramedic, this second time was as a tenured assistant professor in the state college system, where I taught EMS. This is my 43rd year since I began as a paid firefighter, first an EMT and then as a paramedic, and I still maintain all my credentials: firefighter, paramedic, fire inspector, plans examiner, fire service instructor III. It's been a good run, and I'm ready to enjoy life with my wife who just retired too, as an electrical engineer, in her 42nd year. I am very proud of her, and now it's time to work on the home and bike projects, and to enjoy our four grandsons.