Total Bullshit

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Proud Vmax lover
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska
I was just emailed this link, and I have to say. This is fucked.,8599,2008566,00.html

As many of you know, before I got hurt I was a cop. A few of the things I prided myself on was my training, confidence earned from the public, and demeanor while dealing with the public; on duty and off.

Many times, I'd say well over 90% when I made a traffic stop the person was being recorded by my dash cam as well as a remote mic on my person and all contacts with the public during the course of duty was being recorded by a small digital audio recorder (the cover your ass recorder). Basically this will keep ya honest and in check.

Whats good for the goose should be good for the gander. Some of the dipshits I've worked with should have a camera team follow thier asses around.

This cop in the article, something tells me that it's not the first time he went all john wayne on a person. He and his department is definately not put in a good light. There was a similar situation a few years back up here where a University Cop persued a guy over 7 miles in his POV to a residential neighborhood. Apparantly the guy he was chasing layed down a little rubber and took off speeding. The cop was wearing his bicycle gear and then ID'd himself as being an officer. The kid in the truck took off. Now here is were this situation gets fucked. The cop claimed the kid tried to run him over thats why he opened fire. All of the rounds were in the back of the vehicle. so that tells me that the threat of getting hit was over so no need to discharge your weapon in a family filled residential neighborhood. This guy was allowed to keep his job, to the shock of many other local LEO's.

Would he have done the same if a camera was on him? Look at the brutallity cases, would they have reacted the same if they new they were being recorded? These are more than likely the cops who say "must have been an equipment malfunction and my recording devices didn't work"

In turn you don't hear a whole hell of alot about the ones who actually who entered law enforcement for public service. Instead you hear about the ones who think they are the judges and not simply protectors, fact finders, and evidence gatherers. Its the DA's office that goes through with the procecution if the evidence is sound.

Look how professional the folks on COPs are. They know there is a camera on them. Just think how things would change is there was a rolling camera or even an audio recording on public contacts. At the least you would have proof of a douche bag officer you can report to his watch commander or higher up.

Don't get me wrong about being the video vigilante, some states and towns have laws on the books that required a two party concent to record.
My state Audio is a one party, you can record conversations without the other parties permission. I think video is different, I've never looked into it.
So if your thinking about recording, it might violate a two party consent clause and can be against the law. Best check the books.

Recording can also be a double edged sword. you can have some asshat be totally antagonistic to get a certain responce. then take just the snippet and post it. there was such an audio recording a few years back. The cop looked like a major shit head. Then the sheriff's department releaced the audio from the officer's dash cam. about 13 min's of the guy in the car talking about raping the officers daughter, making general fucked up comments about his family were suprisingly omitted from the leaked audio recorded by the driver.

If I were to talk to a new batch of rookies all fresh and clean from the academy, before they got into any habits. I'd just simply tell them. treat everyone with respect and like you were being videotaped. cause now-a-days, you probably are.
i think, if i read this right KJ, you are on the motorcyclists side? i've read about this fro a while and it really bothers me that as you said 'we can record, but you can't record us.'. i am pro-law enforcement, never really had a problem with any, but that cop is lucky the biker didn't take off. ya gotta imagine if i saw someone with a gun id be half tempted to tear ass out of there. what if the biker had a gun, could he legally defend himself, if the guy had waited a few seconds more to identify himself? could of been a lot worse. i don't know the laws, but 16 years b/c he pissed off the wrong police officer seems bad, give him the speeding ticket, reckless driving, and put the cop on probation or something.
i think, if i read this right KJ, you are on the motorcyclists side? i've read about this fro a while and it really bothers me that as you said '. i am pro-law enforcement, never really had a problem with any, but that cop is lucky the biker didn't take off. ya gotta imagine if i saw someone with a gun id be half tempted to tear ass out of there. what if the biker had a gun, could he legally defend himself, if the guy had waited a few seconds more to identify himself? could of been a lot worse. i don't know the laws, but 16 years b/c he pissed off the wrong police officer seems bad, give him the speeding ticket, reckless driving, and put the cop on probation or something.

Yup, I'm on the motorcyclist side. Unfortunately the "'we can record, but you can't record us" is the mentality of a good portion of these guys. Personally during my career I could have cared less if there was a camera running.

The article talked about violating wiretapping laws. The first thing I thought of then was how the paparazzi can chase around "celebs" and take pictures and video them all day long with no problems what so ever. Its considered not stalking and legal cause they're "public figures." So the way I look at it, a cop works for the public as to any other public official. therefore why note this be considered the same thing and be void of the wiretapping laws.
and, in theory, police officers should be acting professional. if they're not, yes, disciplinary is required. hell same thing goes in an office environment.
a cop just got arrested here for child molestation, prolly the 5th officer arrest in our area so far just this year. our local PD is hiring!!
More evidence that cops really are "above the law" they enforce. Can you imagine the outcome if the roles were reversed in this case? Some random guy cuts off a cop on the highway, jumps out and pulls a gun on him? That guy would go from zero to lock-your-ass-up faster than you could blink. Cops would be all over him for assault with a deadly weapon and probably attempted murder or something. But a cop does that to a "random guy", and the "random guy" is the one getting in hot water because he made Mr. Dip Shit Cop look like the power hungry asswipe he is with a video. Of course that makes the whole PD look bad, so the only logical thing to do is.....point the finger at someone else, wrap it in red tape, and toss somebody in jail, but you know it won't be the cop. Not issue an apology that this officer was way out of line and will never work in law enforcement the very minimum and ask if the biker wants to press charges. Nope....his ass in in jail, the cop probably got a "man, you really got to cool it down a bit...look at the mess I have to clean up now" from the Chief but got off totally scot-free. All he has to do is say he "felt threatened" and any crime imaginable turns into totally justified self-defense.

I realize that probably 99% of LEO's out there are honest "servants of the public" and do their job respectfully and honestly. But it really pisses me off how the couple "bad egg" cops can get away with virtually anything just because they have a badge. I'm sure this burns up all the honest cops too to see someone take advantage of their status. I swear a cop would have to forcefully rape the judge's daughter right over the defendant's desk right in the middle of court to even stand a chance of getting in trouble, and it would probably be a "sexual misconduct"....what a local cop got after raping a drunk arrest. There was clear evidence he did it, and some feminist group was all over it, but it boiled down to a couple months in jail and probation if I remember correctly...a slap on the wrist considering what it would mean for Joe Ordinary who couldn't keep it in his pants.
a cop just got arrested here for child molestation, prolly the 5th officer arrest in our area so far just this year. our local PD is hiring!!

Hiring what............losers? ex-cons? registered sex offenders? :ummm:
THATS WHY I DON'T PULL OVER ! , when he first looked back , they weren't close enough to get his plate , so he should have rock & rolled , the bad thing these day's is everyone has cell phones in there cars & i listen to multiple police districts on my scanner all day at work & at night when i get home and not only do " cagers " try to kill you when your riding , but they also call the cops & give those jerk-offs your plate # if your fucking around ! .. But you no what i say , " RUN LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER " !
I've run into bad situations with LE on a number of occasions. Here one instance from the past when any motorcyclist with any patch on their back seemed to be a target.

5 of us were riding the speed limit going to get something to eat. The light was green for us to go. 3 cruisers jumped several lanes, around and through traffic, cuting off other drivers to get crossways in front of us. There were several close calls as the officers didn't flip the lights and sirens on until they had disrupted traffic. Scared the crap out of all of us because we were moving and suddenly had no way out but to lock the brakes or run into the cruisers. The reason we were stopped was to ask us what club affiliations we had... Before this was over we had 6 cruisers, 8 officers and a supervisor on scene. We were FI'd and then released. A bit much for 5 Old broken down bikers. BTW, I did have the Harley that night. It was when I was the Director of the Harley Owners Group here in St. Pete. Our affiliation was Harley Motor Company USA.:biglaugh: And, no we weren't dressed like Pirates. But we all had Red T-Shirts on with the HOG Insignia on the back.:biglaugh:
I realize that probably 99% of LEO's out there are honest "servants of the public" and do their job respectfully and honestly. .

One out of 100? :rofl_200:

Im guessing less then 75% are honest.

I wish I would have had someone tape my incident 20 years ago. Four cops would have been in jail. Or at least it felt like 4.:biglaugh:
I think as a whole this article points out how slanted things are becoming and KJ is right about this being total BS. I guess when enough people get PO'd and write/call their congressmen something will happen just like with evey other issue. Seems like very little happens until the elected officials start feeling the heat from their voters/money source. Hopefully in this case there will be a good amount of it (heat) from those who don't want it to happen to them. If no one says anything people like this guy get stomped into submission. Glad it's not me.

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