USA helps Haiti

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
Oshawa, Ontario
I've been reading how the USA has taken such a quick and active role in helping the people of Haiti and I just wanted to say "well done". The USA has been in the forefront of almost every disaster relief initiative in my lifetime and its citizens should be credited as some of the most compassionate and giving people in the world.

Blaine Williams
WOW! Thanks! I gave 25 bucks to the red cross last week. I know it's not a lot but it helps.

i agree..... just imagine how those people have suffered. a lot of things our country does i do not agree with . helping disater victims is not one of them!!!
god help this world if people ever turn a blind eye !!!!!!
I dunno about all the relief efforts. I mean it's great to help people who need it, but, ehh. When you're perfectly honest Haiti was a total shithole whose main "economy" was national aid from other countries, and still something like 80% of people who live there are in "deep poverty". Now it gets destroyed and everybody is falling all over themselves to rebuild it and send money. Espically when the US is trillions in debt, states are jacking taxes, and money's tight for a lot of people here.

I definetly support helping the people, but if millions(billions?) is going to be poured into this place, there should be some conditions or guidelines. Restructure the government. Start an economy of it's own so it's not a leech off better off countries. Use all the aid money to fix the country, not just rebuild it. Otherwise it will go back to exactly what it was before: A poverty trap for it's residents and a steady vacuum of "pity money" from other nations.

I fully support helping the people there, but somehow I doubt they'll be any better off once this whole thing blows over. The poverty rate will still be tremendous, there will be no economy, and it will still be a nation of slums.
thats true warrior.....same could be said for the new orleans region of the usa.
ya whats real interesting is that with all the aid and relief stuff being flow in, they have planes from all over the world such as Antanov's and Hercs. The US gov has even hired(chartered out) canadian planes to work for them bring in tons of life saving supplies but when Hilary Clinton flew into Haiti they had to shut down the airport(one and only) and have all these monster transport planes wait in the air or not even leave their dep point cause she was flying in and was around the airport. Now i know its for her safty but isn't the safety of the people of Haiti the hole reason all the planes are trying to get into there???? forget about the extra wasted cost of haveing all (and there was lots of them) the planes circleing around waiting for her plane to come, land, taxi, off load, smile for the camera, leave, wait some more to be sure etc etc. seriously what the F?

I know they are doing good im not bashing them but gotta be a better way to bring in US gov officals without putting a hault to the hole operation..... dont you think?
ya whats real interesting is that with all the aid and relief stuff being flow in, they have planes from all over the world such as Antanov's and Hercs. The US gov has even hired(chartered out) canadian planes to work for them bring in tons of life saving supplies but when Hilary Clinton flew into Haiti they had to shut down the airport(one and only) and have all these monster transport planes wait in the air or not even leave their dep point cause she was flying in and was around the airport. Now i know its for her safty but isn't the safety of the people of Haiti the hole reason all the planes are trying to get into there???? forget about the extra wasted cost of haveing all (and there was lots of them) the planes circleing around waiting for her plane to come, land, taxi, off load, smile for the camera, leave, wait some more to be sure etc etc. seriously what the F?

I know they are doing good im not bashing them but gotta be a better way to bring in US gov officals without putting a hault to the hole operation..... dont you think?

When people get to where she is they don't even realize what "real life" is anymore IMO. EVERYTHING they do is first in line/the best service. Hell some of them pay 500 bucks to get their hair cut. WTF? REALITY PEOPLE!!!

They forget they work for US!!!! :damn angry:
Yep, this does bear a striking resemblance to Katrina blowing away Orleans. What an embarrassment that was. Victims who were probably homeless beforehand are given brand new RV's to live in, and then they bitch and sue because traces of some harmful chemical were found in the insulation. Then that ass-hat mayor and his "chocolate city" line.

Another thing I don't quite get is why not a single mention of the Dominican Republic has come up. They share the same island, abeit the D.R half is nothing like the Haiti half( a lot nicer). While I'm not going to pretend like I know the ins and outs of DR's economy, I do know it's a much better off nation that has a fair economy of exports. If anything, spending relief money on DR will yield better long term results, but I haven't heard a word about them. Nobody cares if a disaster happens to a well-off country, but when a shithole gets wiped off the map everybody wants to rebuild it. WTF is that about?

I swear the US wouldn't have half the problems we do if the Oval Office would stop sticking it's nose in everybody else's affairs. Is it a tradgety? Sure. Is it the US's problem? No. Seems like every time something bad befalls any country(even ones we're at war with), we have to rush to their aid. We drop bombs on Iraq, then apologize and start relief efforts. No wonder the "war on terror" will never end.
I was gonna chime in with Katrina and New Orleans - but I didn't.

Glad someone else did :)
The USA helped rebuild France after WWII. If the USA didn't extend its lend/lease help, the UK may likely have been annexed by Germany. There's also the tsunami relief in Indonesia, Malaria and AIDS relief in Africa, plus lots of coin to the RedCross and other benevolent agencies.

I think that the USA assisted Japan in rebuilding after we leveled most of their country during WWII. Favorite movie quote from Hot Shots 2. American president some to Japanese leader guy;

"It seems like just yesterday that I was straffing all your homes. Now. I'm standing here begging you not to make such good automobiles! "

Yeah, there are poor, hungry, homeless people in Haiti right now. There are also poor, hungry, homeless people in every major town in the USA. Quite a few of them US combat veterans. Pictures from Haiti are horrible, so are pictures of L.A.'s skid row. Never see George Clooney putting together a telethon to get them off the streets and into new digs.
You're right in that taking care own hungry and homeless should be a high priority. I read a lot about folks bashing the USA but who's usually the 1st one on the scene offering to help when it's needed?

You're right in that taking care own hungry and homeless should be a high priority. I read a lot about folks bashing the USA but who's usually the 1st one on the scene offering to help when it's needed?


Yup......a lotta folks hate cops.........until they need one:confused2:
I don't hate cops, they're just doing their job and getting by like anybody else, it's how the state uses them that gets me. Now that NYS needs money, the highways are absolutely crawling with cops running speed traps and writing tickets for less than 10mph over(which used to be "safe"). 66 in a 65 will net you a $300 ticket, half of which is a "state surcharge" to fund Paterson's crap.

I just think that all that manpower could be put to better use, like more patrols in high crime areas or solving real crimes, not nagging people in the left lane. But at $300(minimum) a pop, I can't even imagine the kind of ticket revenue that generates.
The United States is only about 5% of the world's population, so why do we get stuck with the bill all the time? Since the U.S dosen't export anything anymore, and the private industry is losing jobs, our corrupt politicians is using lines of credit from China, to pay for the Haiti conflict.
Keeping such a large military presence in Iraq and Afganistan must be a huge cash drain on the US economy. Also, helping groups like AIG, GM, and Chrysler. I have to admit that I'm impressed that the US has been able to accomplish so much with 5% of the world's population.

Keeping such a large military presence in Iraq and Afganistan must be a huge cash drain on the US economy. Also, helping groups like AIG, GM, and Chrysler. I have to admit that I'm impressed that the US has been able to accomplish so much with 5% of the world's population.

In a capitalist country like the United States, the taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for bad businesses like AIG and car companies. But, our country is turning from a democratic republic, to being a sociaist country, thanks to our congress and our radical president, Barry Soetoro a.k.a Barack Obama. And yes, it's not all the liberals fault, Bush's tarp bill was a move towards socialism also. Lastly, I'm not a heartless bastard, I feel for the people of Haiti, I just want the U.S government to use common sence when it comes to spending other people's money.
cut through all the red tape and buruecratic bs and Ill do my part,and it will last a lifetime, Ill adopt a child from hati.