Watch those mirrors

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wow...thats sad,

thats the biggest fear i have being on a motorcycle ...

yu never know what other drivers are doing:ummm:.
wow...thats sad,

thats the biggest fear i have being on a motorcycle ...

yu never know what other drivers are doing:ummm:.

First I want to say its sad and I feel bad for her family and children. Its a horrible thing! One more thing they really need to enforce stricter laws similiar to if your driving under the influence, jail time, high fines, loss of liscense min. This is becoming a major problem with cell phones, eating fast food and other things that interfer with driving a motor vehichle!

Ok now for the comment of you never know what the other drivers are doing. If you feel the same way you need to sell your motorcycle and only drive a car!!!! This is something that is so untrue! When riding a motorcycle you have to be aware of your surrounds at all times! Not just some but ALL times so there should be no surprise. This is the difference between a motorcycle rider that has never been hit to a motorcycle rider that has been hit!!!
Every single time I come to a red light I am watching the car behind me and traffic approaching me, each time I slow down to make a right turn I am watching the car behind me! Watch in the direction to where you could possibly wind up being a victim! When you rely on the other person of your safety is when you will get hurt riding!!!
Driving a motorcycle is different then a car and how you pay attention! The first time your mind drifts off to something else besides your surroundings you either need to turn around and go home or pull over and pull your thoughts back together!!
I have driven in all types of traffic on a motorcycle to Manhattan NYC, NJ Parkway, 4 lane busy roads to riding in 4 inches of snow!

All riders you need to be aware of your surroundings at ALL times not sometimes because that one time you take for granted it may be your last time bones and flesh arent no battle against a 3400lb piece of metal moving! THINK the next time you put your helmet on.
REMEMBER this story the next time to come to a red light. Its very sad but hopefully it will save a life in the future from hearing about this!
wow...thats sad,

thats the biggest fear i have being on a motorcycle ...

yu never know what other drivers are doing:ummm:.
What makes it even scarier is that the drivers don`t know what they are doing either.
<<Dave>>:damn angry::confused2:
What makes it even scarier is that the drivers don`t know what they are doing either.
<<Dave>>:damn angry::confused2:

Its sad to say but this is what you have to think about every car / truck driver on the road with you!
If you rely on traffic lights and signs and basic common sense of paying attention by the other driver,,, eventually you will be hit and hurt or killed while riding a motorcycle.

Dont be a victim of "I didnt see you"
Exactly right,
I ride with my head on a swivel. Always check mirrors
constantly and be aware of everything going on around you.
Lankee nailed it on the head.

Its sad to say but this is what you have to think about every car / truck driver on the road with you!
If you rely on traffic lights and signs and basic common sense of paying attention by the other driver,,, eventually you will be hit and hurt or killed while riding a motorcycle.

Dont be a victim of "I didnt see you"
motorcycle riders should be allowed to bust people in the head, Just today on my way back to work I came upon a car in the opposite lane, there turn signal on to cross my lane I slowed down and they didnt move, didnt move, didnt move so ok they obviously see me so back in the throttle bam mother fucker turns at last minute down on the binders followed them into there driveway, dumb bitch gets out still texting on her cell phone not a friggen clue, Im off the bike hotter than a half fucked fox in a forest fire she apoligizes and says in a laughing tone " I'm glad somebody was paying attention" I would never hit a chick but today I came oooooooooooh so close!! Lankee is giving very good advice, we all know it but I got to say I never pay attention to whats going on behind when im at a red light or stop sign. WILL DO NOW!!
Well I been hit 3 times in the ass end while driving a car.. First time sitting at a red light and didnt know what hit me till a pu truck was traveling 45 mph and decided to use me as a stopping device.. He was drunk as hell DUI case.. Next accident was sitting waiting to make a left hand turn.. this time I learned to watch my mirror while sitting still in a lane,, I see the guy coming and he never moved to the right to avoid me I couldnt make a left to get out of his way due to oncoming traffic so I just nailed the gas to take some of the impact.. That was due to early morning sun and road conditions.. next was another case of a DUI backing up while in a parking lot...

ALWAYS WATCH AROUND YOU!!! TRAFFIC COMING BEHIND YOU, TRAFFIC TURNING OUT BESIDE YOU. NEVER DRIVE BESIDE SOMEONE ALWAYS LEAVE YOURSELF AN ESCAPE ROUTE AND PLAN FOR THE WORST CONDITION.. Anytime I see a car sitting waiting to pull out into traffic i am expecting him not to see me I will prepare for the worst and look for an escape route if he does pull out at the last minute.

Riding smart like this has kept me alive and uninjurd! I will admit I haul ass when I drive but I am very aware of my surroundings and cars and choose my roads that I speed on wisely.

Worst kind of roads to drive on are 4 lane roads with lots of stores and side streets. People are easily distracted and usually are looking for something on these types of roads and motorcycles are hard to see compared to a car truck. These are just as dangerous as parking lots!
Thats part of the reason I have a loud obnoxious exhaust system on my bike I am heard usually before I am seen which is the first step in alerting cage drivers
Well said, Lankee. Hopefully your comments will cause some of us to be more aware and in turn safer riders. Appreciate it.
Well said, Lankee. Hopefully your comments will cause some of us to be more aware and in turn safer riders. Appreciate it.

Ya know even though I could giv a rats ass about some here I still wouldnt like to hear they were injured in a motorcycle accident. Motorcyle accidents hurt like hell and the healing time is lengthly if your lucky to get another chance at life.
So please guys pay attention while riding this season!! Any car that isnt within your stopping distance should be watched along with a planned exit escape route if they enter your path!
Yes, I know how are you supposed to plan all of this along with ride a motorcycle? This is why not everyone should ride a motorcycle.
Also I see a lot of motorcycle riders do this... ride in the center of a lane or at a stop light they are dead center in the middle! Dont do this, cars that leak fluid tend to leave oil, tranny fluid residue in the center of a lane. I know most of you know this already but pay attention to it.
yo Donn it's all good advice you dish out here I agree wholeheartedly.

But you can't use that pic for your avatar - you're gonna scare magoo and shit stick away! :rofl_200::biglaugh:
First I want to say its sad and I feel bad for her family and children. Its a horrible thing! One more thing they really need to enforce stricter laws similiar to if your driving under the influence, jail time, high fines, loss of liscense min. This is becoming a major problem with cell phones, eating fast food and other things that interfer with driving a motor vehichle!

Ok now for the comment of you never know what the other drivers are doing. If you feel the same way you need to sell your motorcycle and only drive a car!!!! This is something that is so untrue! When riding a motorcycle you have to be aware of your surrounds at all times! Not just some but ALL times so there should be no surprise. This is the difference between a motorcycle rider that has never been hit to a motorcycle rider that has been hit!!!
Every single time I come to a red light I am watching the car behind me and traffic approaching me, each time I slow down to make a right turn I am watching the car behind me! Watch in the direction to where you could possibly wind up being a victim! When you rely on the other person of your safety is when you will get hurt riding!!!
Driving a motorcycle is different then a car and how you pay attention! The first time your mind drifts off to something else besides your surroundings you either need to turn around and go home or pull over and pull your thoughts back together!!
I have driven in all types of traffic on a motorcycle to Manhattan NYC, NJ Parkway, 4 lane busy roads to riding in 4 inches of snow!

All riders you need to be aware of your surroundings at ALL times not sometimes because that one time you take for granted it may be your last time bones and flesh arent no battle against a 3400lb piece of metal moving! THINK the next time you put your helmet on.
REMEMBER this story the next time to come to a red light. Its very sad but hopefully it will save a life in the future from hearing about this!

100% agree with everything you have said here.
First I want to say its sad and I feel bad for her family and children. Its a horrible thing! One more thing they really need to enforce stricter laws similiar to if your driving under the influence, jail time, high fines, loss of liscense min. This is becoming a major problem with cell phones, eating fast food and other things that interfer with driving a motor vehichle!

Ok now for the comment of you never know what the other drivers are doing. If you feel the same way you need to sell your motorcycle and only drive a car!!!! This is something that is so untrue! When riding a motorcycle you have to be aware of your surrounds at all times! Not just some but ALL times so there should be no surprise. This is the difference between a motorcycle rider that has never been hit to a motorcycle rider that has been hit!!!
Every single time I come to a red light I am watching the car behind me and traffic approaching me, each time I slow down to make a right turn I am watching the car behind me! Watch in the direction to where you could possibly wind up being a victim! When you rely on the other person of your safety is when you will get hurt riding!!!
Driving a motorcycle is different then a car and how you pay attention! The first time your mind drifts off to something else besides your surroundings you either need to turn around and go home or pull over and pull your thoughts back together!!
I have driven in all types of traffic on a motorcycle to Manhattan NYC, NJ Parkway, 4 lane busy roads to riding in 4 inches of snow!

All riders you need to be aware of your surroundings at ALL times not sometimes because that one time you take for granted it may be your last time bones and flesh arent no battle against a 3400lb piece of metal moving! THINK the next time you put your helmet on.
REMEMBER this story the next time to come to a red light. Its very sad but hopefully it will save a life in the future from hearing about this!

very well said lankee....
I am going to her wake Thursday 5-7-09.

From her son Greg:

My mother, Anita Zaffke, was killed Saturday May 2, 2009 at 5:45PM just north of Lake Zurich, IL. She was stopped at a red light and was hit by Lora L. Hunt of Morris, IL who admitted to the police that she was painting her nails and didn't see my mom until after the collision. My mother was killed by someone else's reckless vanity. We need full prosecution for this offense. We need stricter reckless vehicular homicide legislation. Too many drivers are multi-tasking. Too many are oblivious to their reckless decisions. Too many good people are dying.

Our family would be truly honored if any of my mom's fellow riders would like to attend her funeral services and show support for motorcycle safety and awareness. It is leaving from the southern Lake County Traffic Court House on rt60/83 at Diamond Lake Road at 5:45pm. The route will be 83S to 22W to S Buesching Rd to her wake.

Ahlgrims Funeral Home (Lake Zurich, IL)
Visitation (wake) - Thursday 5/7 between 3pm & 9pm
Funeral Service - Friday 5/8 @ 10am

If you cannot attend but would like to support our cause. Please write or call the Lake County States Attorney, your local & state Representatives & Senators to express your disgust over the current state of affairs.

Greg Zaffke II
Back in 97 I had a new Dodge ram that I had ordered, and with less than 600 mi. on the clock, I was ass-ended while waiting to turn into a gas station. It knocked me out for a bit and totalled my truck. The county cop said she was running 55 when she hit me, and was turned around beating one of her kids.
Out of instinct from that time, EVERY time my foot heads for the brake my first reaction is to check my mirrors, and it has saved my ass several times. As a matter of fact every time I take my kids out to practice driving I watch them to make sure they do it every time.
I would like to see a Federal Law go into effect where if the driver of the car states " I didn't see you " then the courts should sell his car and make him buy a motorcycle and let his keester experience first hand what its like to come close to death every second he rides for a year.
First I want to say its sad and I feel bad for her family and children. Its a horrible thing! One more thing they really need to enforce stricter laws similiar to if your driving under the influence, jail time, high fines, loss of liscense min. This is becoming a major problem with cell phones, eating fast food and other things that interfer with driving a motor vehichle!

Ok now for the comment of you never know what the other drivers are doing. If you feel the same way you need to sell your motorcycle and only drive a car!!!! This is something that is so untrue! When riding a motorcycle you have to be aware of your surrounds at all times! Not just some but ALL times so there should be no surprise. This is the difference between a motorcycle rider that has never been hit to a motorcycle rider that has been hit!!!
Every single time I come to a red light I am watching the car behind me and traffic approaching me, each time I slow down to make a right turn I am watching the car behind me! Watch in the direction to where you could possibly wind up being a victim! When you rely on the other person of your safety is when you will get hurt riding!!!
Driving a motorcycle is different then a car and how you pay attention! The first time your mind drifts off to something else besides your surroundings you either need to turn around and go home or pull over and pull your thoughts back together!!
I have driven in all types of traffic on a motorcycle to Manhattan NYC, NJ Parkway, 4 lane busy roads to riding in 4 inches of snow!

All riders you need to be aware of your surroundings at ALL times not sometimes because that one time you take for granted it may be your last time bones and flesh arent no battle against a 3400lb piece of metal moving! THINK the next time you put your helmet on.
REMEMBER this story the next time to come to a red light. Its very sad but hopefully it will save a life in the future from hearing about this!

know exactly how you feel. i've always been cautious with turning, especially in a city's downtown where people arent going to be paying attention to a bike turning to the opposite side of the street. but what i do have experience with is those bastards that turn left in front of a bike.

R.I.P. '85 Madura.
All this brings up an interesting point. There was a thread a while back on getting your idling Max into neutral. Mine won't make that shift, most of the time. Second. First. Second. First. Not so much as a blink of green on the neutral light.

Doesn't matter to me, though, because my bike is NEVER in neutral when I stop at a light or stop sign. It's in first, and my eyes are on the mirrors. After someone in a cage stops behind me, I relax a bit, unless they stop too close. In that case, I move forward as much as possible in case some jerk rearends them.

First gear--hand on the throttle--eyes on the mirrors--ready to move if the worst happens. I learned that when some jerk skidded past me at a red light a year or so ago.

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