Weird forum issues

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Buster Hymen

Staff member
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Anyone having problems with time outs when they go to check posts in threads?:ummm:
Forum is having issues and are being worked on!

Posts are not being shown
OK, problem seems to be either fixed or gone away.... The forum host is looking into database logs so hopefully this won't happen again.
I had problems for bout 1 1/2 hours (8-930 pm)but seems to be alright now.
There was an issue with the MySQL (database) service on my server. Stopping and restarting the service cleared up the problem! :clapping:
Had multiple problems over the last several days here, not on other sites, but now it seems to load and click thru OK.
I've always had issues with posts being shown. I think its just the browser. I've got in to the habit of refreshing the page when I move on. That seems to work.
Just had a post in a thread vanish when I tried to post it. We'll see if it shows up later. I'll re-post if I can recall the composition!
I had a post last night that never seemed to make it through. Finally the site seemed to go down. I came back later and found that it had actually posted my reply 3 times...:confused2::ummm:
well for the most part, things go OK here. Just wouldn't want to have them be a victim of 'denial of service' by some eurotrash hackers trying to extort American business greemback$ to an account in Russia or some other Eastern bloc location. Send Captain America!
Every so often when I go to click to a new topic or forum, I get a "database not responding" error with the vbulletin logo, it's not a generic firefox error. Trying to get any access to the site will give that error for a few minutes, then it suddenly works again.

Not very often though.
6:47 PM tonight I had the same trouble, I took a 40 mile ride, now everything's fine here...