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Given the source of the story, it would be interesting to actually read the bill and see what it actually says, rather than what a "sky is falling" fear-monger says it says.
Thanks for posting mike. The way the government (regime) is spitting on the Constitution, I feel sorry for my kids. Sad part is most people, as long as they get their free cookie from the government, Don't seem to mind.:bang head:
Given the source of the story, it would be interesting to actually read the bill and see what it actually says, rather than what a "sky is falling" fear-monger says it says.

This Administration has been dumping on the constitution since it came into power. Thats the reality, no matter what news source you watch. The only difference is the spin by the channels.
interesting, the law that he signed was introduced by a Republican and passed by the Republican-controlled House by a vote of 399-3

HR 347 is a modification from Senate bill S. 1794, which restricted people from entering or blocking public areas that have been closed off by Secret Service while a person under their protection is passing through. The law also included major public events, such as the Inaguration and Presidential campaigns. The new law, which passed the House with a vote of 399-3, extends the original law by adding more protected areas within Washington D.C, and removing the word “willfully,” from the paragraph stating that protesters can be prosecuted if they enter the area “willfully and knowingly.”

Representative Justin Amash, R-Michigan, explains this change by saying:

"The bill expands current law to make it a crime to enter or remain in an area where an official is visiting even if the person does not know it’s illegal to be in that area and has no reason to suspect its illegal.”

Michael Mahaffey, Representative Tom Rooney’s (R-Fla. and the man responsible for introducing the bill to the House) communication director dismissed concerns that the bill violates civil liberties by saying, that the protests against H.R. 347 are, “a whole lot of kerfuffle over nothing. This (HR 347) doesn’t affect anyone’s right to protest anywhere at any time. Ever. ” He went on to say that, “right now it’s not a federal violation to jump the fence and run across the White House lawn, this bill makes it a federal violation.
People are so concerned about the now and not the future, and the gov't takes gratuitous advantage of this.

Little changes here and there that in and of themselves don't really change much, but over time these small restrictions add up.
People are so concerned about the now and not the future, and the gov't takes gratuitous advantage of this.

Little changes here and there that in and of themselves don't really change much, but over time these small restrictions add up.
+1, too many living "in the moment" that either don't care or don't think about what will come in the future! :bang head:
Dont get me wrong I still beleave the usa is the best place to live in the world for now but my gut feeling feels that we are in for some big changes soon. Not just our kids. I feel it will catch us soon. To many big changes already. Electrical technology is so advanced that most people wouldent know how to live without it. I dont have any idea what is so wrong about the electrical technology being so advanced and yes it offer's all kinds of good but it comes at a big price and not just a money price. I gess i feel that my gut is telling me to enjoy what i have in my life not just things everything.
It Doesn't matter Dem/rep. It comes down to power/control. We Identify with one or the other party,because that party tends to lean toward what we believe. We think that one or the other will help the people, but in the end the ultimate goal of either is power.
Dont get me wrong I still beleave the usa is the best place to live in the world for now but my gut feeling feels that we are in for some big changes soon. Not just our kids. I feel it will catch us soon. To many big changes already. Electrical technology is so advanced that most people wouldent know how to live without it. I dont have any idea what is so wrong about the electrical technology being so advanced and yes it offer's all kinds of good but it comes at a big price and not just a money price. I gess i feel that my gut is telling me to enjoy what i have in my life not just things everything.

It is the best place. Thats what makes it so sickening to see it falling apart before our eyes.
Tothmax i feel its above that. The big money im talking about is above the federal goverment and that is who wants ultimate power. Who am i to say that its a bad thing. Maybe it will all work out for the good but my sub conscious and my gut are telling me i should appreciate everything i have in my life now. Not just appreciate it pay attention to it every day. I gess what im saying is we all need to start living in the here and now like the goverment but without the greed. Maybe if we all could do that we could find away to get around the technology that keeps all of us apart. Technology is keeping us apart in some ways right now on this forum. When you dont talk face to face you lose alot of the feelings that make it a two sided conversation. I here people's face's but i dont see them and you dont see my face.
Scary http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=7SGWH3kirzg&vq=medium What can we do. This monster (Big money) is out of control. Or should i say to much in control. My gut is telling me the near future is not going to be good. This is not about republican's and democrat's anymore.

If the 500 + Rs & Ds , who run / control this country , want to do something positive for the country , they can do it. They want it this way .
If the 500 + Rs & Ds , who run / control this country , want to do something positive for the country , they can do it. They want it this way .

People are so concerned about the now and not the future, and the gov't takes gratuitous advantage of this.

Little changes here and there that in and of themselves don't really change much, but over time these small restrictions add up

+1 535 to be exact. And we elect them to run our lives, yet they betray us and implement more control over us in the name security. Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves, they saw this coming and tried to prevent it with our constitution. Problem is, our government is designed to be run by honest people, not the power hungry and greedy who refuse to abide by the constitution and have figured out we the people can provide them a living, while they secreatly and willfully take advantage of us. i am starting to get pissed and need to stop right here!!!:damn angry:

He who gives up freedom to have security will have neither!

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