Craigslist Flakes!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Recently I have run across a few flakes on Craigslist.... I have always seen the buyers not show up but never the sellers... WTF :confused2: is the deal these days.... I sent many emails trying to get in touch with the seller and finally after 4 days they responded. I get a phone number and call then get handed from one person to another :ummm:. No money has ever been asked for or any information. So I am truly confused here :ummm: Then if I try to call they picked up the phone then all of a sudden made some excuse why they had to go and would call me back. Then no return call so I leave a message. About 2 hours later I call and then you could tell my phone call was rejected by the short ring. So I don't know what to say about these fucks.... I have money in hand... WTF is wrong these morons? :bang head:

they've already made the sell and are getting inundated by calls?
Or they don't really want to sell , just trying to keep someone happy?
Beware. There has been many people on craigslist listing stuff and when you go to buy it with cash in hand they rob you at gun point. Always use a neutral public place. And if you have a gun being it with you. My police dept has had numerous calls on this. It's usually like a flat screen tv or something of value. There was an incident in Boston where they met someone at an abandoned house and the buyer was stabbed to death. Be careful Gannon. I would not even respond to that person again.
beware. There has been many people on craigslist listing stuff and when you go to buy it with cash in hand they rob you at gun point. Always use a neutral public place. And if you have a gun being it with you. My police dept has had numerous calls on this. It's usually like a flat screen tv or something of value. There was an incident in boston where they met someone at an abandoned house and the buyer was stabbed to death. Be careful gannon. I would not even respond to that person again.

very good point
Nice! It has been up for almost 20 days. I flagged the ad yesterday because they posted me off.
Well I did find some tractors that I think that was hers too that was listed too. She had mentioned that she was selling some other equipment too. The tractor stated " I don't know anything about it , it is salvage from a divorce!" So I am not so sure anyways... Lol


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