Happy VD guys

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"All Gave Some, Some Gave All"

Many thanks to all of my Brothers In Arms, who have served, and special thanks to those now serving.

Uncle Philthy
Thanks to all who served and who are currently serving! I'm sure you're getting anxious Medic.

To my brothers and sisters before me that gave us what we have today. To my brothers and sisters that fought next to me. That shared the good times and the bad. To my brothers and sisters that are yet to be to continue our fight for OUR Rights and Freedoms. I salute ALL, may we never forget. :peace out bike:
A sincere, THANK YOU from my family and me for the Men and Women that have served and are currently serving to protect our country and our rights.

God Bless You All!

I'm never long winded with these things. So for who all have served. Thank you.

thanks guys. . . and thanks to all still on the active pay-role.

never thought of myself as a "vet" until I retired this year. 26 years, 3 in cbt zone. still getting used to being a civilian again :blink000:
I truly thank all vets and current service members!

Two of my favorite sayings:

For Those Who Fought For It...
Freedom Has A Taste The Protected Will Never Know!

"War is an ugly thing.
But not the ugliest of things.
The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing is worth war is much worse.
The Person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
John Stuart Mill
I want to take the time to Thank you for all those that have faught and still fighting for this country to fight terroism.
I also want to send out my deepest sympathy to those that have lost a family / friend fighting for our country. We Wont Forget !!

:flagwaver:GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

Even though we have a US President who doesnt put his hand over his heart during our National Anthem due to he is a muslim I am still proud to be an American.
Happy Veterans Day !!!!!!! " a government strong enough to give you everything you want , is strong enough to take everything you have. " Thanks to all who served , thanks to all now serving their country.
Rollie '68 - '74 Combat Engineers " helping friends cross the river "
Happy Veterans Day !!!!!!! " a government strong enough to give you everything you want , is strong enough to take everything you have. " Thanks to all who served , thanks to all now serving their country.
Rollie '68 - '74 Combat Engineers " helping friends cross the river "

Thanks Rollie. I'm stealing that quote.
Happy Veterans Day !!!!!!! " a government strong enough to give you everything you want , is strong enough to take everything you have. " Thanks to all who served , thanks to all now serving their country.
Rollie '68 - '74 Combat Engineers " helping friends cross the river "

Perfect qoute!...and you bridge builders can do some amazing shit (not just over rivers) if I may add.

Thank you all before me, with me and after me. Semper Fi, do or die, yut err kill.