Reminder watch out for butt heads.

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Jun 16, 2009
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Maryville , Tennesee
Ok this is what dave was refering to in the trackside section. All 4 of us were riding in a pack on the way to the strip & some asshole in a Silver Mercedes SUV cuts strait in the middle of the pack & almost runs over Joe thats just the start. We get farther down the road the same asshole hooks a quick lane change into me when I mean into me his front tire put me in a little wobble as it was rubbing on my Boot & engine gaurd. I think years of riding helped me keep calm although I did knock the shit out of the side of his car trying to get his attention but I really dont think he cared. I think a newbie would have went down. Once I got off of his tire I nailed it to get away & he came up & flipped us off & done another little swerve over. Some one saw this & called it in & the State Trooper stopped me to try & get a better description of them the Trooper was a rider to & was really cool. I hope the witness got a license number & I hope the smuck was dumb enough to call in & report me for hitting his car so they can find him. The Trooper said if they found him they were gonna charge him with attemted Vehicular Man slaughter. Man I hope they find this Bastard I am gonna get an attorney if they do & make sure he gets what he deserves.
I'll back you Kyle!
Did you send in the email to the Trooper?
I will be glad to testify
First thing I do is get the tag, then a good look at the driver, & pic if possible. Glad no one got hurt. I've had similar incidents, haven't we all? Don't provoke them, just get a good description. They don't care & their defense once they get a lawyer is, "they attacked me! I was trying to flee from them & they pursued me."
First thing I do is get the tag, then a good look at the driver, & pic if possible. Glad no one got hurt. I've had similar incidents, haven't we all? Don't provoke them, just get a good description. They don't care & their defense once they get a lawyer is, "they attacked me! I was trying to flee from them & they pursued me."
Yep we did not pursue him at all I just wanted away from him & there were witnesses so he can say all he wants.
If you get a good PD member they may pursue it & the fact you have multiple witnesses where he is only 1 guy is in your favor. Good luck.

I was a pedestrian at Home Depot this a.m. & a woman in a car came rapidly approaching the crosswalk I was already in so I hung back a bit to see if she was going to yield, which she finally did, looking very exaspirated w/me for "being in her way."

She was smoking a cigarette w/1 hand, talking on the cellphone w/the other, which left her knees I guess to control the car? I waited for her to stop, and when I saw how "occupied" she was, I just stood there watching her. She had angry eyes and the windows were up but it was pretty-clear what she was saying. I pantomined smoking & then began antimatedly yakking away on my cell, and she got really mad, I thought she was gonna floor it & run me over, so I stepped out of her way as a couple of other pedestrians watched, laughing at her. She screeched past me, very late for "something," still smoking & talking.
If you get a good PD member they may pursue it & the fact you have multiple witnesses where he is only 1 guy is in your favor. Good luck.

I was a pedestrian at Home Depot this a.m. & a woman in a car came rapidly approaching the crosswalk I was already in so I hung back a bit to see if she was going to yield, which she finally did, looking very exaspirated w/me for "being in her way."

She was smoking a cigarette w/1 hand, talking on the cellphone w/the other, which left her knees I guess to control the car? I waited for her to stop, and when I saw how "occupied" she was, I just stood there watching her. She had angry eyes and the windows were up but it was pretty-clear what she was saying. I pantomined smoking & then began antimatedly yakking away on my cell, and she got really mad, I thought she was gonna floor it & run me over, so I stepped out of her way as a couple of other pedestrians watched, laughing at her. She screeched past me, very late for "something," still smoking & talking.
Captain, I was under the impression that most, if not all FL car drivers didn't give a care about motorcyclists.

The wife and I rode our bikes from Titusville down to Key West back in 2008 and I had similar situations as you describe here at least 5 times on that trip. Too many other lane changes that were close, but not exactly close enough to irritate to mention. Heck, each time someone lane changed on top of me to where I had to avoid the accident, I'd lay on the horn like no tomorrow, only to have the driver look at me as if I were at fault, and finish the lane change anyway. Told the wife we'd have to get addt'l life insurance the next time we planned on any Florida riding.
Hi Kyle, If you were on a thruway there may be traffic camera's that caught some of it, but I don't know if they record. We have those cameras all over , on our thruway here.
yeah, the trooper said he would look into the cameras as well.
Hope they find the douche....
Captain, I was under the impression that most, if not all FL car drivers didn't give a care about motorcyclists.

The wife and I rode our bikes from Titusville down to Key West back in 2008 and I had similar situations as you describe here at least 5 times on that trip. Too many other lane changes that were close, but not exactly close enough to irritate to mention. Heck, each time someone lane changed on top of me to where I had to avoid the accident, I'd lay on the horn like no tomorrow, only to have the driver look at me as if I were at fault, and finish the lane change anyway. Told the wife we'd have to get addt'l life insurance the next time we planned on any Florida riding.
I have to admit that Florida is the worst state I have rode in. Pisses me off when they switch lanes specially when they know you are there. I think some one pissed this guy guy off & he decided to take it out on us.
It's kind of a joke between the wife & I - how many times someone came over on top of us while on that FL vacation. NO CHIT - I liken it to being inside a giant pinball machine, or maybe more recently - like being in that new Tron movie and trying to avoid the other bikes, cept we were trying to avoid the crazy car/truck drivers. It's the reason I can't trust myself to carry a gun.

I'd honk long and hard. The other driver would begin to jerk back into their own lane, see it was "only a farkin' m/c", and continue to change lanes anyway, kind of like it was required of them, or something.
I'm glad you all are alright. It's tough out there for us. I live in an area where not just the butt heads from this state drive, but from all over the country. Most seem lost, in a hurry, and impatient. Add the cell phone and it's hell in summer. I do most of my riding off the Cape in Summer. Drive defensively guys, they don't care about us, and some plain out dislike us out there!
I lived in chicago and now here in AZ and in both states I am able to carry a fireman legally. Only had to use it one time when a cager in chicago decided to try to run me off the road and kept trying for some reason. I had pulled out my gun and shot at the car with several rounds. The cager definatley got the message and fled very quickly the other way. :th_biggun: If its me or them I am definatley gonna try to come out on top!
I lived in chicago and now here in AZ and in both states I am able to carry a fireman legally. Only had to use it one time when a cager in chicago decided to try to run me off the road and kept trying for some reason. I had pulled out my gun and shot at the car with several rounds. The cager definatley got the message and fled very quickly the other which I neeway. :th_biggun: If its me or them I am definatley gonna try to come out on top!
I carry sometimes & its legal with a permit here which I need to get trust me I will have it very quickly I dont need this shit this guy done this intentianately for no reason. He would have been dead in a heart beat you try to kill me it works both ways I know this is on line but I mean what I say. I am far from a keyboard commando you can bet if I say it here I will say it to your face & be proud of it & the ones here that know me know I am a very good person but not gonna put up with shit.
I'm both sad that Mary and I weren't closer to the 4 of you in her Tahoe when this all happened and really glad I didn't decide to ride a VMax to the races.
Mary freaks totally out when we get hit (generally in a cage). I'm not at all sure that I could have kept the bike up if this DickHead had bumped the 2 of us.

I was driving so, Mary likely would have shot the driver if she'd seen what went on... She's a much better shot with a pistol than I am and she carries a .357......

Really sorry this happened, but still, happy that everyone on bikes survived uninjured...
god effin dammit? what is it with cagers like that mother fucker? really? a human life is worth less than his cuz your on a bike? fuck him. i hope to hell they catch the scum bag.

knock on wood, i have yet to run into the likes of assholes like that. it seems that the cagers around my parts are very respectful of motorcyclists, though. they make HUGE buffers around them. a couple honks and they wave apologetically.

i did get a dirty look from a little old lady yesterday, though:rofl_200:. I flew by her and must've scared the shit outta her as i shot past. either that or she was eyein me at the stop light. ewwwwwwwww. ***shudder***. :puke: