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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2015
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Black Hills, South Dakota
Everytime I walk past it im reminded of Trump, anyone else see it?

Its a Native American Cradleboard, from the early 1900s I believe. Its in a home where I spend a decent amount of time so I see it often and get a chuckle each time. Its actually really cool decor and looks great in the home in spite of the Trump likeness


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Actually, I think a photo of the rear end of a horse reminds me of the asshole-elect more..
I can see it. Somewhat appropriate that it's a cradelboard as well. It would get a chuckle out of me every time a well.
I stand by the statement "asshole-elect" in reference to Trumpf. All the poor racist saps who bought into his line of shit are going to be rudely awakened before that douchebag gets done with them..

My mom always taught me that if you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything. Calling Trumpf an asshole is the nicest thing I can think of. Believe me - a lot of people can call him a lot worse, joined by the millions more about to get fucked over by his lies. Hope you got the extra cash to pay for his "Big, beautiful wall.."!
There won't be a wall. Pretty sure every body knows that.

He definitely wasn't the best person to vote for, but look at our other choices. We dodged a huge bullet keeping that lying corrupt bitch Hillary out.

I think it's funny, the past 8 years all the democraps have said is "He's your president, deal with it." But now that there's a republican in there, all they can say is "Not my president!"
Suck it up butter cup, he's your freakin' president.
The wall may be a human wall. That is, border patrol may be allowed to do their job again.
There won't be a wall. Pretty sure every body knows that.

He definitely wasn't the best person to vote for, but look at our other choices. We dodged a huge bullet keeping that lying corrupt bitch Hillary out.

I think it's funny, the past 8 years all the democraps have said is "He's your president, deal with it." But now that there's a republican in there, all they can say is "Not my president!"
Suck it up butter cup, he's your freakin' president.
There wont be a wall, One has to take a lot of his words woth a grain of Na. I do not like him one bit but as my son pointed out last night he has already potentially saved tens of thousasnds of automotive jobs that were headed to Mexico, begun ACA repeal, begun talks on tax reform not only for business but individuals and reversing many of Obamas overzealous environmental actions, many of which devastated whole towns and industries. I dont like him but hes not even president yet and hes done more good than anyone in recent history, the last guy was more bad than good. I also think were done taking shit from China but it will be tough to undo Obamas precedent of being a pussy. Obama terribly mishandled the Chinese militarization of the South China Sea and their defiance of international rulings. Its all flawed and when it blows up, and it will, everyone will blame Trump for bringing us to war. Im highly disappointed in him for not bringing Hilliary to justice but we cant have it all. I would say that if we remove his likeness from the equation and judge him soley on his actions so far he has been far more productive than not. The sooner he can spit out Putins cock the better off we'll all be though.

Even though Trump is a fucking clown he is off to a fairly good start. It will be interesting to see how well he can not only do his new job but counter the terrible damage and precedence left by that last fucking clown. We did certainly dodge a bullet no doubt. I do not believe Trump is even mentally sound and I still think he was a less bad choice given the two. I can definitely understand why some folks are raw about this but we really had no choice to avoid more of the last 8 years. Oddly the left didn't hide that, they fucking actually boasted that she would continue Obamas legacy! Thankfully his legacy is all but dead and the door hasnt even closed behind him, I have too say that so far the Trump administration has very pleasantly surprised me inspite of being far from perfect.

All that being said I really didnt mean to touch this off, I really only thought the cradleboard had such a likeness that it had to be shared. :punk:
There won't be a wall. Pretty sure every body knows that.

He definitely wasn't the best person to vote for, but look at our other choices. We dodged a huge bullet keeping that lying corrupt bitch Hillary out.

I think it's funny, the past 8 years all the democraps have said is "He's your president, deal with it." But now that there's a republican in there, all they can say is "Not my president!"
Suck it up butter cup, he's your freakin' president.

And when the democrats said that for the past 8 years did Republicans stop saying Obama wasn't their president? Nope. So don't expect Democrats to stop either. It's the same old shit -- different day. Hatfields vs McCoy's. Both sides claiming they take the higher ground, but neither side having any history of it. Both sides having the memory of a fucking fruit fly.

So expect Democrats to be a pain in the ass for everything Trump is going to do just like the GOP was a pain in the ass for everything Obama was trying to do. Expect Republicans to cry about it like they'e already doing. Just like Democrats did. Rinse repeat.

I did get a chuckle out of what Schumer did recently when McConnel start his tantrum. He literally took a letter McConnel wrote to Reid back in 2009. Scratched out the names, and wrote in Mitch... perfect example of exactly the horseshit cycle this country is in and will always be in.


  • schumerletter.jpg
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There wont be a wall, One has to take a lot of his words woth a grain of Na. I do not like him one bit but as my son pointed out last night he has already potentially saved tens of thousasnds of automotive jobs that were headed to Mexico, begun ACA repeal, begun talks on tax reform not only for business but individuals and reversing many of Obamas overzealous environmental actions, many of which devastated whole towns and industries. I dont like him but hes not even president yet and hes done more good than anyone in recent history, the last guy was more bad than good. I also think were done taking shit from China but it will be tough to undo Obamas precedent of being a pussy. Obama terribly mishandled the Chinese militarization of the South China Sea and their defiance of international rulings. Its all flawed and when it blows up, and it will, everyone will blame Trump for bringing us to war. Im highly disappointed in him for not bringing Hilliary to justice but we cant have it all. I would say that if we remove his likeness from the equation and judge him soley on his actions so far he has been far more productive than not. The sooner he can spit out Putins cock the better off we'll all be though.

Even though Trump is a fucking clown he is off to a fairly good start. It will be interesting to see how well he can not only do his new job but counter the terrible damage and precedence left by that last fucking clown. We did certainly dodge a bullet no doubt. I do not believe Trump is even mentally sound and I still think he was a less bad choice given the two. I can definitely understand why some folks are raw about this but we really had no choice to avoid more of the last 8 years. Oddly the left didn't hide that, they fucking actually boasted that she would continue Obamas legacy! Thankfully his legacy is all but dead and the door hasnt even closed behind him, I have too say that so far the Trump administration has very pleasantly surprised me inspite of being far from perfect.

All that being said I really didnt mean to touch this off, I really only thought the cradleboard had such a likeness that it had to be shared. :punk:

According to the CEO of Ford their decision has nothing to do with Trump. But if people are going to give Trump credit for shit even the CEO Ford claimed he had nothing to do with why isn't Obama credited for saving auto-industry jobs as well?

Here's what I don't understand. When Obama was running against Romney in 2012, Romney claimed the economy wasn't rebounding fast enough. He made promises that if he was elected president he would do better. He set numbers on what he would accomplish if he was president. And America has surpassed those numbers that Romney set. So exactly how are folks measuring the strength economy? Seems everyone has their own way they're measuring. Fair enough. I just hope they stay consistent with that way and measure Trump by those same standards. But I highly doubt they will because no one really gives two flying fucks about actual facts and figures now. It's just all based on gut feelings.

And the supporters are proving it every day. Trump's not going to build a wall and all I hear from supporters is "Yea, no one actually thought there would be a wall." Then why was that shit chanted at every Trump rally? Why were people chanting and cheering and making signs for shit they know wasn't going to happen? Just seems like a Bill Engvall "here's your sign" sort of thing. But it's these reactions now that prove to me facts dont matter. Feelings do.

I gave Trump credit on the Carrier deal, but one could argue a fair point. More Carrier jobs still left for Mexico than they kept in America and the company got tax breaks for it. Again, credit for saving those jobs they did, but you can't call that a great deal.

As far as China's encroachment in the sea... as you mentioned that's an international issue. I don't know why people expect America to be the one that has to deal with it. I really don't think Obama or Trump for that matter have much leverage there. So that is a clusterfuck waiting to go off. Will Trump get blamed? Yea. But that comes with the job. Given Trumps history of saying really stupid shit though, he might very well deserve the blame if/when that shit goes off. It will depend on the circumstances. But we do need to be tougher on China on trade and the Obama administration has failed in that regard.

I liked Trump's pick of Lighthizer as US Trade Rep, because he's always held a tougher stance on China, but I don't know how much influence he will have since the Trump team said the Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross will be the primary architect of international trade deals. We shall see.

For me personally it's the fact that Trump has Putins balls blissfully in his mouth that upsets me the most. His recent actions of shitting on American intelligence agencies before even meeting with them and reading the reports and praising Putin just disgust me beyond words. But it's still a clear demonstration of Trump forming an opinion without even bothering to go through the data first. That's Pelosi "we have t pass it before we know whats in it" level of stupidity right there. But at the end of the day Trump's consistent position on Putin, his pro-Russian appointments, and his criticisms of American intelligence organizations are treasonous to me.

Obama has been wrong about many things, but one thing he was right on. Reagan would be turning in his grave for sure. But then again Tea Partiers would have ran Reagan out of town 8 years ago, so I guess he's sort of irrelevant now.
All the poor racist saps who bought into his line of shit are going to be rudely awakened before that douchebag gets done with them..

I voted for him....and I am not racist, although Ive been called racist because I dont care who comes to this country, I just want them to come here legally.
According to the CEO of Ford their decision has nothing to do with Trump. But if people are going to give Trump credit for shit even the CEO Ford claimed he had nothing to do with why isn't Obama credited for saving auto-industry jobs as well?

Here's what I don't understand. When Obama was running against Romney in 2012, Romney claimed the economy wasn't rebounding fast enough. He made promises that if he was elected president he would do better. He set numbers on what he would accomplish if he was president. And America has surpassed those numbers that Romney set. So exactly how are folks measuring the strength economy? Seems everyone has their own way they're measuring. Fair enough. I just hope they stay consistent with that way and measure Trump by those same standards. But I highly doubt they will because no one really gives two flying fucks about actual facts and figures now. It's just all based on gut feelings.

And the supporters are proving it every day. Trump's not going to build a wall and all I hear from supporters is "Yea, no one actually thought there would be a wall." Then why was that shit chanted at every Trump rally? Why were people chanting and cheering and making signs for shit they know wasn't going to happen? Just seems like a Bill Engvall "here's your sign" sort of thing. But it's these reactions now that prove to me facts dont matter. Feelings do.

I gave Trump credit on the Carrier deal, but one could argue a fair point. More Carrier jobs still left for Mexico than they kept in America and the company got tax breaks for it. Again, credit for saving those jobs they did, but you can't call that a great deal.

As far as China's encroachment in the sea... as you mentioned that's an international issue. I don't know why people expect America to be the one that has to deal with it. I really don't think Obama or Trump for that matter have much leverage there. So that is a clusterfuck waiting to go off. Will Trump get blamed? Yea. But that comes with the job. Given Trumps history of saying really stupid shit though, he might very well deserve the blame if/when that shit goes off. It will depend on the circumstances. But we do need to be tougher on China on trade and the Obama administration has failed in that regard.

I liked Trump's pick of Lighthizer as US Trade Rep, because he's always held a tougher stance on China, but I don't know how much influence he will have since the Trump team said the Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross will be the primary architect of international trade deals. We shall see.

For me personally it's the fact that Trump has Putins balls blissfully in his mouth that upsets me the most. His recent actions of shitting on American intelligence agencies before even meeting with them and reading the reports and praising Putin just disgust me beyond words. But it's still a clear demonstration of Trump forming an opinion without even bothering to go through the data first. That's Pelosi "we have t pass it before we know whats in it" level of stupidity right there. But at the end of the day Trump's consistent position on Putin, his pro-Russian appointments, and his criticisms of American intelligence organizations are treasonous to me.

Obama has been wrong about many things, but one thing he was right on. Reagan would be turning in his grave for sure. But then again Tea Partiers would have ran Reagan out of town 8 years ago, so I guess he's sort of irrelevant now.

Here is the simplest way to discuss economics.

Look at the debt clock. You do have a backward button, you you can look at how things have improved or NOT improved over the last 8 years.
"All the racist saps" was not intended to imply that all people who bought into Trumpf and his lies are racists. But enough of the bottom feeder racists in this country bought into his line of garbage to make it seem (at least to me, and what do I know?) that the type of person who would have racist leanings would be emboldened by Trumpfs rhetoric and openly display these beliefs - thinking that it's the "new normal" now.

I name no names as far as being a racist, or anti gay, or anti abortion rights, or cozying up to Putin - possibly the most unforgivable thing he's done, or mocking the same intelligence agencies that he will depend on for keeping us from a war, or mocking the disabled, or being the follower of an an outright liar. Those who have been duped by this clown know who you are, and will unfortunately have to reap the effects of what was sown when this guy lied his way into the White House. Heaven help us all.
So what was the alternative? Vote for Hillary? We know that she was a snake.....and the DNC worked WITH her, and against Bernie to make her the party nomination? either vote for for Hillary.......or vote for a third party candidate, and throw away you vote?
According to the CEO of Ford their decision has nothing to do with Trump. But if people are going to give Trump credit for shit even the CEO Ford claimed he had nothing to do with why isn't Obama credited for saving auto-industry jobs as well?

Here's what I don't understand. When Obama was running against Romney in 2012, Romney claimed the economy wasn't rebounding fast enough. He made promises that if he was elected president he would do better. He set numbers on what he would accomplish if he was president. And America has surpassed those numbers that Romney set. So exactly how are folks measuring the strength economy? Seems everyone has their own way they're measuring. Fair enough. I just hope they stay consistent with that way and measure Trump by those same standards. But I highly doubt they will because no one really gives two flying fucks about actual facts and figures now. It's just all based on gut feelings.

And the supporters are proving it every day. Trump's not going to build a wall and all I hear from supporters is "Yea, no one actually thought there would be a wall." Then why was that shit chanted at every Trump rally? Why were people chanting and cheering and making signs for shit they know wasn't going to happen? Just seems like a Bill Engvall "here's your sign" sort of thing. But it's these reactions now that prove to me facts dont matter. Feelings do.

I gave Trump credit on the Carrier deal, but one could argue a fair point. More Carrier jobs still left for Mexico than they kept in America and the company got tax breaks for it. Again, credit for saving those jobs they did, but you can't call that a great deal.

As far as China's encroachment in the sea... as you mentioned that's an international issue. I don't know why people expect America to be the one that has to deal with it. I really don't think Obama or Trump for that matter have much leverage there. So that is a clusterfuck waiting to go off. Will Trump get blamed? Yea. But that comes with the job. Given Trumps history of saying really stupid shit though, he might very well deserve the blame if/when that shit goes off. It will depend on the circumstances. But we do need to be tougher on China on trade and the Obama administration has failed in that regard.

I liked Trump's pick of Lighthizer as US Trade Rep, because he's always held a tougher stance on China, but I don't know how much influence he will have since the Trump team said the Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross will be the primary architect of international trade deals. We shall see.

For me personally it's the fact that Trump has Putins balls blissfully in his mouth that upsets me the most. His recent actions of shitting on American intelligence agencies before even meeting with them and reading the reports and praising Putin just disgust me beyond words. But it's still a clear demonstration of Trump forming an opinion without even bothering to go through the data first. That's Pelosi "we have t pass it before we know whats in it" level of stupidity right there. But at the end of the day Trump's consistent position on Putin, his pro-Russian appointments, and his criticisms of American intelligence organizations are treasonous to me.

Obama has been wrong about many things, but one thing he was right on. Reagan would be turning in his grave for sure. But then again Tea Partiers would have ran Reagan out of town 8 years ago, so I guess he's sort of irrelevant now.

Its hard to disagree with any of that. I think Fords stated reasons and actual reasons might not match up perfectly. Oh yea, on the Trump rally scene... I would rather pass a basket of seasonal gourds than be within two states of one of those abortions. For being in the middle of a really red region I saw shockingly few Trump stickers, signs or banners, and virtually nothing cor Clinton. Even here folks seem know its better than more liberal progressive leadership but it still aint good.

Trump.does say stupid shit and that has been and will continue to be a real issue. What comes next with Russia will say alot, his reluctance to consider evidence is troubling at best. How that attitude plays into China is unknown. Under Obama it would probably not move him until a giant toll lock stretched across the entire sea completely obstructing freedom of navigation. It is a clusterfuck no doubt and of course if we dont deal with it who will? Not every nation has the motivation and strength to face China. China is not to be triffled with, and now that that stack of festering vaginas known as Obama is out of the way, neither is the USA. The longer it goes unchecked the worse its going to be. It should have been dealt with the first moment military installations appeared in disputed waters. Im not sure exactly how but we let everything just slide. I think putting a chip back on our shoulder is appropriate now, maybe we even wear the bully hat this recess. Obama was easy to bully, I dont think the same of Trump. I just hope he finds the taste of Chinese cock much less palatable than Russian cock. Gut feeling maybe but I think how he handles foreign affairs in the immediate future will significantly effect us all. Obamas approach was a failure so maybe we can hope that Trump follows a hard line and that it is not too late to be effective.

I dont have much faith that Trump is equipped to straighten out the mess he inherited, but I am very hopeful. I have litte doubt that he will do better than Obama or Clinton but that is not much of a stretch. Dealing with bullies is obviously not something the liberal party is cut out for. I am also fascinated with how he may deal with NK. All I can say is Im glad I'm not him.

I love the word "bully". Dont you? It has such fascinating connotations in its recent heavy missuse, it has morphed into some sort of buzzword, but I meant it in the traditional sense. This is the first time in decades I have used that word outside a a satirical context.