Uncle Philthy's carbs

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mar 30, 2006
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Gretna, NE
Here is what I found so far. The carbs were ultra clean on the outside, I could've eaten off them. I started with the left side carbs and when I opened the bowls I immediately saw the rubber caps were toast.


A previous owner was definitely in there because one of the PFJ's was impossible to get out due to rounded slot. Rather than try to drill it out I just removed the other parts to re-use and then swapped 'em in one of my spare jet blocks. I also found a few holes in the main bleed pipe blocked off. Notice the top bleed hole in both pics below.





I'm not sure why the insides are so dirty but most likely it was due to low miles on Phil's 2000 Vmax. There was quite a bit of dirt in there and you could definitely smell that varnish-like smell. As for the rubber caps, could've been due to using too much Sea Foam. Or, it was due to Ethanol. Ethanol is known to be bad on rubber parts. Philthy doesn't have regular unleaded in his area so it's a good idea to use BG Supercharge or the like.
Thanks for letting us into your carb world just a little Mark, I don't even know what those parts are or what they do.

So, what does that thing with the holes in it do?
Thanks for letting us into your carb world just a little Mark, I don't even know what those parts are or what they do.

So, what does that thing with the holes in it do?

The rubber caps allow access to main bleed pipe and pilot fuel jet. When they go bad, allows fuel to come up through there and you go rich everywhere.

Here is how I understand the emulsion tube or main bleed pipe to work. In short, the main bleed pipe emulsifies gas from the main jet with air from main air jet through bleed holes.

There is a small chamber underneath the bleed holes that has two functions. Think of this small chamber as a small well within the float chamber. Anyway, the bleed holes are inlet holes for air from the main air jet. They are also serve as outlet holes for fuel from the main jet. Initially, most if not all bleed holes are covered with fuel and so the sub chamber is full. At idle, most of the fueling needs are met by the PAJ's and PFJ. As rpms increase, fuel is pulled from the sub chamber, through the bleed holes and into the needle jet. RPMs will continue to increase and then the sub chamber empties and gradually uncovers more and more of the bleed holes. Also, most of the fuel will come from main jet. As the bleed holes are uncovered, air from the main air jet emulsifies with fuel from the main jet. Obviously, another reason why float levels are important. Right Brother Lankee?

Hope this helps.
This is why my ride is all in pieces in the garage, and the carbs are in NE...Mr Milne is THE MAN, when it comes to these nasty-ass lil' Mikey-uni carbs. They are in the right place, for sure....

C'mon guys and give a FOG credit for even keeping that thing running as long, and as well as I did.... I give ALL credit to this forum, for being able to do that!

Mark's idea about too much Seafoam, could be a correct one, although I never added more than 1oz per tankful, and quit using it all together as soon as I learned it was mostly pure alky...which when added to ethanol/fuel, is adding more alky, and more chance of deterioration of rubber parts...

I now usually only add an oz of Marvel Mystery top oil to each tank, in hope of slowing the deterioration problem....

I highly suspect that the carbs had been swapped for an older set, before I bought the bike...and the ethanol fuel w/Seafoam, finished 'em off...

No matter though...they'll be just fine again when Doctor Milne finishes surgery... Stay tuned!!

Follow up...

Rec'd the carb set back yesterday afternoon, and installed 'em today...

Right out of the box, right onto the intakes, and after making sure the bowls were well filled, and no leaks showing...pushed the enrichener (choke) down a wee bit, three turns of the starter, and VA---Rooooom! Fired right up...

My only 'problem' is in getting the cables adjusted/reset to work properly...wanted to 'run up' by itself from idle...had to hold it down with the grip... After a little manual reading, made some adjustments, and it's much better now.... But still a little more 'drag' then I'd like... I want the throttle to just snap back when I let the grip go...

Test rode it for a few miles, (in 79 degree sunshine!) Performance plus! I think this is the first time, in my owning this 'max, that the carbs are all working right, and together...

I can't thank Mark enough, for doing this for me.... and he really didn't 'hurt me', compared to what any local independent or godforbid, dealer would have charged me... And I had the full satisfaction of knowing that they were being reconditioned by THE BEST Mikuni carb guy in the country... All in all I'm a very happy ol' man!

Tomorrow, weather permitting...going to ride a few more miles, then sync them. Should be GTG after that!

If anyone ever needs their carbs rebuilt, and does not have the expertise, experience, and patients to do them, (that would be me 100%) I can't recommend anyone better to do the job, than our very own 'Dr' Milne!

Uncle philthy
Great news Unc ! Glad your back in the saddle. Hey , remember we were talking about fuel at the PH Bikefest ? Well I just found a place in Tarpon Springs that sell PURE gasoline - no ethanol blend at all. I know that's a little out of your way, but you & Aunt F have been known to ride there once in a while so I figured I'd give you a heads-up. You could always fill up a couple of 5 gals in the trunk of your car if your in the 'hood anyway. I swear my bike is running better since I started filling there, but it could be the weather as well. The real test will be when it's hot & humid. The place is Kritsepis - on alt.19 just north of Klosterman. I'm getting leary of ethanol & other fuel additives myself - don't want to ruin any rubber in the carbs. And a big +1 to Mark for hooking you up with the carb work - this site is Gold, isn't it ?
Happy to help! Gimme a call tomorrow Philthy after your sync and test ride.
Alright Mark, when are you gonna have a time slot for MY carbs? Stage 1, Kerker 4-2-1, stock air box with no "Y". Let me know a date and a price. Thanks, PatMax SW FLA.
That sucks that you can only get ethanol blends where you are. I have filled up with the 10% blend before and it ran like crap!
That's awesome Phil. Now go do some riding with the Wild Dogs and show off some of that new V4 power done right :thumbs up:. Enjoy the weather and take care. I will talk talk to ya soon.
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