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  1. johnblaid

    Govt Declares term "illegal alien" improper...offers substitute

    After much analysis (notice how that word starts with anal?) The federal government has decided that the term "illegal alien" is too demeaning and must not be used. After all, it starts with the term "illegal" and that in itself implies something bad to most people...that can't be good...
  2. P

    mechanical substitute for air pressure in front forks?

    I thought I had read in a back issue of a VBoost magazine that someone had substituted a mechanical "preload" in place of the stock air pressure fitting at the top of the front forks. I've gone back through them and cannot find it. Has anyone a) heard of this? b) know anything about it? c) tried...
  3. Hercules

    Kerker there is no substitute!!!

    I just went from a UFO 4 into 2 to a Kerker 4 into 1 with a 2.5 inch baffle. I don't care what anyone says, nothing on this planet beats the sound of a Kerker with the comp. baffle[it sounds bad ass!!!!!] like a freak-en dragster! Dont waste your money on anything else!Damn!