Happy Birthday Thread... (post all wishes here!)

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I want to thank everyone!With my new job and my birthday this has been one of the best days of my life.Thanks Men!
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Holy cow - sometimes the sun does shine on a dogs ass! Conrats Shawn! Sounds like you might be ready for the big bore even sooner now!

Thanks,Everybody! I over did it a little last night.Came into work 4 hours late too.I am sorry if I offended anybody last night.Beer,wine and whiskey do not mix well.I normally do not drink very much anymore.
Yeah, you were a real ass man. You made fun of how I ride and how many miles I have on my tires. lol
I just got the ultimate birthday gift! I found out today that I passed all of my medical tests to start a new job.Just gave my 2 weeks notice.OH YAH!

Happy B day ya big weenie!!!

If that job dosen't work out, I can get you a job planting tulips for good money! :rofl_200::rofl_200: