Too much political talk

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too much political talk?

  • Nope, perfect as it is

    Votes: 29 35.8%
  • A bit much, would like to see it toned down

    Votes: 17 21.0%
  • Way too much, impacting my visiting of this site

    Votes: 13 16.0%
  • Don't give a shit

    Votes: 22 27.2%

  • Total voters
If we had a Real President things would be different... My pet bird gives better answers when questioned. Come to think of it the bird actually answers the questions. Maybe Mr Obama gets confused by the size of his vocabulary or isn't able to go off topic from his TelePrompter. The bird only knows, Yes, No and a few 4 letter words.:ummm: Life is simple to express given those limitations.

Guess I'm happy to be free and like many others here go against being a simple follower. I ride a VMAX to the Max. Politics, fine where it is. Let it Fly...
Burn out Pit is just for conversations like the ones on gun control etc. If you don't like the posts don't read 'em. Seems pretty simple to me, but hey I voted "Don't give a shit".
People who hate politics are the ones who need to pay attention most. Its apathy that drives through these awful policies unchecked by the real power, we the people. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing
Yep, don't give a shit.
If it's something I don't care to read I just don't open the thread.
Don't see a reason to censor the forum, if others want to talk politics then I'm cool with that.
I like political discussions. People can disagree without being disagreeable. Garrett's poll is a case study in the shortcomings of polls. If there was a box that I could have checked that asked if there should be more I would have checked that box. But I'm glad he posted it. Nobody is putting a gun to anybody's head to make them read or even respond. We have a political discussion group here in rosarito about U.S. politics every Thursday. As with religon or politics there are people who are so close minded that they become very disagreeable when confronted with ideas that challenge their narrow preceptions. It is those people that I don't care to discuss anything with because they are unable to process facts or be willing to move on. With some it is like plowing the same field over and over. They are some who still believe the earth is flat. Or like the guy at the car show on Cape Cod who believed his 1975 Norton was faster than my VMAX. What can I say to those kind of people? You are right and walk away or how much money do you want to bet?
As with religon or politics there are people who are so close minded that they become very disagreeable when confronted with ideas that challenge their narrow preceptions. It is those people that I don't care to discuss anything with because they are unable to process facts or be willing to move on. With some it is like plowing the same field over and over.

Way to pick a fight on a poll thread. You started out great, then you spiraled off into the abyss. :argue 1:
Good discussion going on here guys.

This forum, in my mind, isn't the mods or some 'higher ups' forum. Its our forum, we all contribute, put our knowledge, ask our questions and recommend things for the forum, so I value everyones opinion on it, and just as importantly this topic.

I would NEVER. I repeat NEVER delete a discussion unless the OP requests so, or it becomes incredibly derogatory (has never happened here). So I don't see anyone deleting threads.

This was just a poll to see if the amount of discussions were impacting people visiting, contributing or potentially turning away members. I've had a few people comment on the amount of political talk and it was tough to gauge if they were in the minority, majority or what have you. I want to let the poll run for a few days, then discuss it with the other mods and go from there. I don't see any real changes happening to our beloved forum, i just more wanted a handle on things.

thanks guys!
I'm with everyone else, as long as its in the burnout box then its fair game... To any of the butthurt people, head on over to yellowbullet... That place makes you realize just how civil and pleasant our political discussions here really are...

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We have some very knowledgeable people here on both sides of most political discussions. I enjoy throwing out an opinion now and then , but don't have the time or inclination to make it my lifes work. I know in the end , mans governments , will not last . We have too many faults and personality disorders. According to the Bible , Satan is currently ruling this system of things , and will continue , until Gods will , will be done. Until then , as long as we are being respectful of each other , and try to love one another , let the thread stay.
Why do we discuss politics:ummm:,,,,,,could it be because it affects every thing we do in our lives every minute of our lives,,,and even deaths????

Nah,,,,guess it ain't important, just let the politicians run wild with our lives and money and freedoms, while we look the other way:rofl_200:



I hate politics very, very much. If the whole world were GOOD, I'd have no need to spend so much time preparing and defending myself and could enjoy life. As things are trending now, I try to look at all sides of the political issues. I'm MAD AS HELL right now with the direction our country is going. So, I'm bitching a lot here in the political threads. It's called Freedom of Speech and it's one of the things that has kept me coming back to this Forum. What's next, Lose our Girls on Bikes Thread???:confused2:

I don't think anyone would be in favor of losing that.:rofl_200:
Everyone has a choice,Some here are quite sharp.Dont want to read then dont.I am personally for it.Or is freedom of speech condemed here too?:confused2::ummm:We should talk,
People who hate politics are the ones who need to pay attention most. Its apathy that drives through these awful policies unchecked by the real power, we the people. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing


That being said...I believe its just right....this is the burnout pit....anything goes...IMHO
so close minded, very disagreeable

narrow preceptions. unable to process facts, still believe the earth is flat.

Well, Maybe I misunderstood Dave, So who exactly were you refering to with these words of wisdom :icon_rolleyes:
Well, Maybe I misunderstood Dave, So who exactly were you refering to with these words of wisdom :icon_rolleyes:

It really isn't honest to take partial quotes and question them. Politicians and so-called news people do it all the time to add a different meaning to what someone actually said. You can read this posts and figure it out. I have taken a dislike to one person who is continuing trying to put me in a box so I can be labeled and dismissed. I refuse to be boxed in by a label. I am a liberal, conservative, socialist, capitalist, asshole, good guy,biker, church going, agnostic, spiritual, all at once depending on the subject. I refuse to be defined by artificial bounderies. I urge everyone to free their minds and don't let others define you. I don't agree with Rand Paul but I think he did a service talking about the U.S. drone program. There is a backlog on drones because they are being bought by Police Forces all over the country. The "private" is being removed from "citizen" very quickly. But I don't believe unrestricted access to firearms is an answer. People need to be secure going about their business, rights need to be protected and violence can be checked. I believe all three can be done.
It really isn't honest to take partial quotes and question them. Politicians and so-called news people do it all the time to add a different meaning to what someone actually said. You can read this posts and figure it out. I have taken a dislike to one person who is continuing trying to put me in a box so I can be labeled and dismissed. I refuse to be boxed in by a label. I am a liberal, conservative, socialist, capitalist, asshole, good guy,biker, church going, agnostic, spiritual, all at once depending on the subject. I refuse to be defined by artificial bounderies. I urge everyone to free their minds and don't let others define you. I don't agree with Rand Paul but I think he did a service talking about the U.S. drone program. There is a backlog on drones because they are being bought by Police Forces all over the country. The "private" is being removed from "citizen" very quickly. But I don't believe unrestricted access to firearms is an answer. People need to be secure going about their business, rights need to be protected and violence can be checked. I believe all three can be done.
Giving in to let the police and goverment decide on how/ if your personal safety can be secured is a fools errand. If you are not capable that is one thing, for the majority letting the goverment tell you that they are there to help is personally reckless in my mind. I hope you can live in your utopia without ever having a ill thinking person confronting you about your personal safety. But if that ill person comes crashing into your life the next 15 minutes will surely be the longest, most terrifying monents of your life while you wait for your goverment to save you. Hopefully it will not be your last moment. There will be no "Person of Interest" type hero to save you!
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It really isn't honest to take partial quotes and question them.

You asked me what in my previous post, about picking a fight, I was refering to. I showed you. I don't see the dishonesty :confused2: It seems, you went from being positive about political threads, into berating. That all. No spin.
I refuse to be boxed in by a label. I am a liberal, conservative, socialist, capitalist, asshole, good guy,biker, church going, agnostic, spiritual, all at once depending on the subject. I refuse to be defined by artificial bounderies.

You do the same thing to gun owners on here all the time, free your mind.. You have a few good ideas and there is no doubt in my mind your a good guy in person and just saying what you think is right but as soon as you start talking about "gun owners buying guns with barrels bent 180 degrees and that'll solve the problem" then I stop listening to you and label you as a tool.. There is a good reason your not well liked around here but I still support your right to say those things.

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I'm watching this poll with interest....there is a lot of voter participation, which is good. :clapping:

there certainly is. more than any other poll in recent history.

the anonymity of it helps i think.