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    • Relic
      Relic reacted to Fire-medic's post in the thread Carb synch issue with Like Like.
      A word to the wise, you better buy parts now, for whatever you're planning to do in the future, because of the longshoremens' strike...
    • Relic
      Relic reacted to maleko89's post in the thread Carb synch issue with Like Like.
      Thanks for that. I see three choices for repair kits. An economy from K&L, one Parts Unlimited, and one from All Balls...
    • Relic
      Relic replied to the thread Carb synch issue.
      I got the K&L kits. From what these forum guys recommended. Bought the new main jets at the local yamaha dealer. I put in 150's My bike...
    • Relic
      Relic replied to the thread Carb synch issue.
      Try Parts Giant out of Grand Rapids MI. That's where I got them.
    • Relic
      Relic replied to the thread Michigan meet up.
      Hey folks. I won't be able to make it Saturday. Sounds like fun but maybe another time next summer. Thanks
    • Relic
      Relic reacted to Fire-medic's post in the thread Reformed(ish) Squid with Like Like.
      Be aware there is an entry fee to the museum, and you may want to go earlier to see as much as possible, before whatever time everyone...
    • Relic
      Relic replied to the thread Reformed(ish) Squid.
      I maybe able to attend Sept 7. Its a 60 mile trip. Talking to a friend with an 05 about making the jaunt up there. Can't give me any...
    • Relic
      Relic replied to the thread Reformed(ish) Squid.
      If it were to be held in Kzoo I might be able to show up.
    • Relic
      Relic reacted to KennyR's post in the thread Reformed(ish) Squid with Like Like.
      Hi from Kalamazoo! Maybe we can get together for an all Michigan meet up in the near future.
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