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  1. Tommygun4u

    Bicycle pegs into highway pegs

    I was rummaging through my garage and thought I try and make some highway pegs for added comfort on long rides. I used the bicycle pegs, 5-1/2" grade 8 bolts and 18mm deep well socket. I removed the upper motor mount bolt from the motor mount on frame and it is replaced by the grade 8. Doesn't...
  2. CustomMax

    Looking for HD vs bicycle thread

    Was telling my son ( who rides a Harley) about that hilarious thread about the guy racing back and forth then at the end he says it was a bicycle. If anyone knows the title so I can find and show him I'd appreciate it.
  3. 9

    What the F is up with bicycle riders?

    Why is it that they seem to all have this entitlement complex that their little group of 5 or 10 riders owns the entire F'in road. Just because you are wearing your favorite bicycle superstar jersey and spandex shorts does not mean that you are in the peloton of the Tour de France. If you...
  4. Jayhawk

    Amazing bicycle skills