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  1. vmaxinID

    Firefly runnin his mouth

    "Don't say to rick, he has ape hangers on his max & soft leather saddle bags, they should make him the president of VMOA instead of the guy that spent $50.000 on his max till his wife kicked him out & sued his ass. " creativerehab Not the kind of talk i expect from a fellow vmax...
  2. P

    runnin rich

    my vmax is completely standard apart from a few handleing and braking mods i have a full kerker exhaust system and i think it is running slightly rich any idea i am new to the vmaxs so i have no idea
  3. huskyman510

    runnin rough as, help anyone?

    Hi all vmaxers, fairly new to the vmax I have a gen 1 88mod. When I first got bike crackled and popped for first 10-15min of riding then all ok, did this every time I went for a ride. Did the shotgun, back together ran worse. Decided to pull out all carbs and service, cleaned up good, did notice...
  4. B

    max back up and runnin

    thanks for the help, come to find out i pulled caebs back off today, and pulled bowls. the last time i cleaned carbs i overlooked one of the jets in that block inside the bowls. the outside one under the rubber plug, all four were plugged with varnish, (that sure is a small hole in that jet)...