Getting out of tickets...

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
Winchester, KY
I've not had a speeding ticket since 1994. It doesn't mean I don't speed, which I still do(10 to 15 over the posted limit, interstates only...and no, I don't have a radar detector).

Most of the tickets I have avoided have been attributed to my military ID which I have when I show my driver's licence. The officers check out my registration, my licence along with the military ID, thank me for my service and tell me to have a nice day, which I in turn thank them for their service and tell them to have a nice day as well. But I want to share this story of how I got out of ticket using my daughter when she was about 6.

About 22 yrs ago, I picked up my daughter from school. She told me she was hungry and wanted pizza. On the way to the pizza restaurant, I breezed through two four way stop signs, but at the second four way, noticed a black and white patrol car. I knew I was guilty of not coming to a complete stop, so I just pulled over. The cop pulled right behind me and he knew what I already knew..."I guess you know what I'm here for..." he said. My reply, "Yes officer, I know...and the sad part is not only am I going to get a ticket for disregarding a stop sign, my little girl here, who is very hungry, is going to be angry with me for making her wait." The cop peers in, takes one look at her and says, "You're right! She doesn't look very happy!!" So he says to her, "Little girl, can you promise me one thing? Remind your daddy that he needs to come to a complete stop when he approaches these stop signs...can you do that for me?" She nods at him, and with that he hands me back my licence and registration, and tells me, "Sir, go and feed your little girl!!" I said "I will, officer!!"

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